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How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in…
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How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America: Essays (origineel 2020; editie 2020)

door Kiese Laymon (Auteur)

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1202235,467 (4.2)Geen
A revised collection with thirteen essays, including six new to this edition and seven from the original edition, by the'star in the American literary firmament, with a voice that is courageous, honest, loving, and singularly beautiful (NPR)... Brilliant and uncompromising, piercing and funny, How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America is essential reading. This new edition of award-winning author Kiese Laymon's first work of nonfiction looks inward, drawing heavily on the author and his family's experiences, while simultaneously examining the world Mississippi, the South, the United States'that has shaped their lives. With subjects that range from an interview with his mother to reflections on Ole Miss football, Outkast, and the labor of Black women, these thirteen insightful essays highlight Laymon's profound love of language and his artful rendering of experience, trumpeting why he is'simply one of the most talented writers in America (New York magazine).… (meer)
Titel:How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America: Essays
Auteurs:Kiese Laymon (Auteur)
Info:Scribner (2020), 176 pages

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How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America: Essays {revised} door Kiese Laymon (2020)

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Excellent collection of essays. Kiser is a fantasy writer ( )
  juliais_bookluvr | Mar 9, 2023 |
This collection originally preceded "Heavy," includes new material, and has been revised. So you'll see the author's progression from a young man overwhelmed by all there is to understand, explain, and protest about his young life and the lives of his family and community to one of the most eloquent memoirists in America today. Every time Kiese Laymon muses on making "healthy choices" I smile. It seems like such a huge understatement of his efforts to find his way. But if more folks could make healthy choices a priority in planning their lives, we might be a smarter, deeper people. Thanks Kiese Laymon.
  deeEhmm | Dec 2, 2020 |
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A revised collection with thirteen essays, including six new to this edition and seven from the original edition, by the'star in the American literary firmament, with a voice that is courageous, honest, loving, and singularly beautiful (NPR)... Brilliant and uncompromising, piercing and funny, How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America is essential reading. This new edition of award-winning author Kiese Laymon's first work of nonfiction looks inward, drawing heavily on the author and his family's experiences, while simultaneously examining the world Mississippi, the South, the United States'that has shaped their lives. With subjects that range from an interview with his mother to reflections on Ole Miss football, Outkast, and the labor of Black women, these thirteen insightful essays highlight Laymon's profound love of language and his artful rendering of experience, trumpeting why he is'simply one of the most talented writers in America (New York magazine).

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