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The Latinist: A Novel door Mark Prins
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The Latinist: A Novel (editie 2022)

door Mark Prins (Auteur)

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1654171,319 (3.29)4
"In this wickedly sharp, propulsive debut, a classicist must outmaneuver her manipulative mentor. Tessa Templeton has thrived at Oxford University, under the tutelage and praise of esteemed classics professor Christopher Eccles. Yet shortly before her thesis defense, Tessa learns that Chris has sabotaged her career-and realizes their relationship is not at all what she believed. Driven by what he mistakes as love for Tessa, Chris has ensured that no other institution will offer her a position, keeping her at Oxford with him. His tactics grow more invasive as he determines to prove he has her best interests at heart. Meanwhile, Tessa scrambles to undo the damage, and makes a startling discovery about an obscure 2nd century Latin poet that could launch her into academic stardom, finally freeing her from his influence. A contemporary reimagining of the Daphne and Apollo myth, The Latinist is a page-turning exploration of power, ambition, and the intertwining of love and obsession"--… (meer)
Titel:The Latinist: A Novel
Auteurs:Mark Prins (Auteur)
Info:W. W. Norton & Company (2022), 352 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Latinist door Mark Prins

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interesting story, with a nice twist at the end. Probably would have been even more interesting if I'd had a deeper understanding of the related myths. Academic backstabbing and obsession at its finest ( )
  cspiwak | Mar 6, 2024 |
I read this because duh, I studied classics. While I was a Hellenist (ooh), not a Latinist, I get a lot of second-hand joy and cringe from the romanticization of the study. Let me tell you kids: studying an ancient language is real drudge work, with memorization akin to a biology class, so the students in these classes are not... cool. At all. They don't even understand dark academia. There's no time for it. We're not really overgrown mythology kids either. We don't wax poetically about meter. We're just nerds who work really hard. One of my old classmates is going into corporate law for God's sake. I'm becoming an archivist.

Anyways, this book was... boring. A bit overwritten. It was suspenseful at parts, and creepy, and I found Prins to genuinely write women well... but ultimately... Meh. For its creepiness, it ends in a semi-appropriate way. But like another commentator pointed out, it takes a certain mind to justify a 27-year-old woman wanting to fuck her older professor. Yuck. ( )
  Eavans | Feb 17, 2023 |
I had never read a dark academia book, so I gave it a whirl. I was intrigued from the perspective of Maeve being a classics grad student, and from the perspective of my many friends that teach at the college level. It was an OK read, but it really lost stea at the end when the main characters does some things that seem to serve a dramatic purpose, but which no one under any circumstances, would ever do. My credulity was strained to breaking. Will probably be a major motion picture one day. ( )
  jsmick | Nov 1, 2022 |
A perceptively written modern day Daphne and Apollo tale on the campus of Oxford University. Mark Prins uses his knowledge mixed with emotion and humor to capture to the academic environment and pressures felt between professors and their students. Tessa must prove herself academically to others despite the efforts of her protégé advisor Chris, who tries through romance to sabotage her work and block her academic pathway. The supporting characters add dimension, perspective and intrigue to his narrative, and provide Tessa with information, support, and clues in finishing and figuring out her situation with Chris. On the other hand there are supporting characters who favor Chris. The details of Tessa’s discoveries, going back to discover the similarities between modern and ancient civilizations, add to the reader’s involvement, and fascination with academia and how success is achieved even with the odds are against you. It may take the reader a short time to absorbed in this modern-day Daphne and Apollo tale, the reader will find it an engaging, fascinating and engaging read.
  Carrieida | Oct 7, 2021 |
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Christopher Eccles's office at Westfaling College loomed over the cloisters where Tessa sometimes held tutorials, when the weather suited, and now as she listened to her student read from her paper on Ovid's Metamorphoses and the recurring theme of the gods exploiting mortals, a cigarette butt dropped into the quadrangle a few feet from them, where it lay in the grass, used and smoking.
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"In this wickedly sharp, propulsive debut, a classicist must outmaneuver her manipulative mentor. Tessa Templeton has thrived at Oxford University, under the tutelage and praise of esteemed classics professor Christopher Eccles. Yet shortly before her thesis defense, Tessa learns that Chris has sabotaged her career-and realizes their relationship is not at all what she believed. Driven by what he mistakes as love for Tessa, Chris has ensured that no other institution will offer her a position, keeping her at Oxford with him. His tactics grow more invasive as he determines to prove he has her best interests at heart. Meanwhile, Tessa scrambles to undo the damage, and makes a startling discovery about an obscure 2nd century Latin poet that could launch her into academic stardom, finally freeing her from his influence. A contemporary reimagining of the Daphne and Apollo myth, The Latinist is a page-turning exploration of power, ambition, and the intertwining of love and obsession"--

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Gemiddelde: (3.29)
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2 4
2.5 1
3 9
3.5 4
4 6
4.5 2
5 2

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