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Retire Free: Five Steps Toward Living Your Best Retirement

door Robert A. Guy Ricp®

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1Geen7,918,895 (4)Geen
Get The Most From What You've GotAfter years of hard work, you have the right to a stress-free retirement. And ifyou want to sleep easy knowing you have made the right decisions for you andyour family, you need a plan. Discover how you may be able to more confidentlyenjoy the financially free life you and your family deserve, regardless of theeconomy, stock market, or decisions made by politicians in Washington, DC.In RETIRE FREE, author, educator, and advocate for his clients, Robert A.Guy, RICP®, reveals his strategy for tax-efficient retirement and estateplanning he calls The Retirement Freedom Solution. This comprehensivestep-by-step plan was engineered to help families simplify their financiallives and get the most from what they've got. His strategies are built aroundthe following fundamental values: *Freedom from the fear of running out of money *Freedom from Wall Street speculation and fees *Freedom from excessive taxation *Freedom to remain in your home and avoid Medicaid bankruptcy *Freedom to create a loving legacy and protect your loved onesFrom this book, you'll gain the ability to make smarter decisions with yourmoney and the empowerment that comes from making decisions based onmath and science, rather than emotion or financial media hype.… (meer)
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Get The Most From What You've GotAfter years of hard work, you have the right to a stress-free retirement. And ifyou want to sleep easy knowing you have made the right decisions for you andyour family, you need a plan. Discover how you may be able to more confidentlyenjoy the financially free life you and your family deserve, regardless of theeconomy, stock market, or decisions made by politicians in Washington, DC.In RETIRE FREE, author, educator, and advocate for his clients, Robert A.Guy, RICP®, reveals his strategy for tax-efficient retirement and estateplanning he calls The Retirement Freedom Solution. This comprehensivestep-by-step plan was engineered to help families simplify their financiallives and get the most from what they've got. His strategies are built aroundthe following fundamental values: *Freedom from the fear of running out of money *Freedom from Wall Street speculation and fees *Freedom from excessive taxation *Freedom to remain in your home and avoid Medicaid bankruptcy *Freedom to create a loving legacy and protect your loved onesFrom this book, you'll gain the ability to make smarter decisions with yourmoney and the empowerment that comes from making decisions based onmath and science, rather than emotion or financial media hype.

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