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The Picture Book of Gardens: A Gift Book for Alzheimer's Patients and Seniors with Dementia (Picture Books)

door Sunny Street Books

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Do you sometimes find it difficult to engage your loved one with dementia? To help them stay calm in the midst of an emotional reaction? To find activities you can share with them that encourage peaceful interaction? This book can help. Thumbing through this picture book with your loved one is an activity that will capture their attention, engage their mind, and encourage them to relax. They'll feel a sense of delight and anticipation as they turn the pages to see what beautiful garden is next. You'll find a lot of other picture books out there, mostly for kids. But it's demeaning for seniors to give them books meant for children. And adult photography books are usually large and heavy, and they often include long, frustrating paragraphs of text. At Sunny Street Books, we design books specifically for seniors with dementia. They're lightweight yet high-quality, adult in nature, with nothing to distract your loved one from their enjoyment of the photos themselves. Families, caregivers, and assisted living staff can share this book with the people they care for. It is also an excellent activity for seniors with Parkinson's disease or recovering from a stroke. Seniors with eyesight or strength challenges who find it difficult to hold a heavy book or read long paragraphs of text will also enjoy this book. FEATURES * Beautiful Content This book is filled with carefully-curated, full-color, high-resolution photos depicting the beauty and serenity of gardens. * No Text The only text included in the book is on the title and copyright page. * Manageable Size This is a 40-page, 6" x 9" softcover that's comfortable to hold and easy to tuck into a bag. * High Quality The quality of this book's cover and its interior design are indistinguishable from books created for other readers. Just because a book is simple and uncomplicated doesn't mean it has to be unattractive, unprofessional, or childish. * Discreet Packaging At no time is anything mentioned about Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or any other challenges the reader might be facing. This book can be given to your loved one without fear that they might feel embarrassed or offended. NOTES FOR CAREGIVERS * Sit beside your loved one in a quiet place that is free of distractions. * Allow them to hold the book if possible, and also turn the pages, which will enable them to become more engaged in the book. * Put a pillow in their lap to support the book as you thumb through it together. * Start by asking questions that are easy to answer. "Which garden do you think is prettier? The one with the wooden bridge or the one at the country house?" Then move to more open-ended questions. * Leave this book in an accessible place to allow your loved one to pick it up on their own when you're not there. Click on "Sunny Street Books" at the top of this page beneath the title of the book for links to all the books we publish: The Picture Book of Birds The Picture Book of Natural Wonders The Picture Book of Butterflies The Picture Book of Movie Stars The Picture Book of Cats The Picture Book of Dogs The Picture Book of Bible Verses The Picture Book of Flowers The Picture Book of Babies The Picture Book of Beaches The Picture Book of Horses The Picture Book of Baby Animals The Picture Book of Kids and Animals The Picture Book of American Patriotism The Picture Book of Churches The Picture Book of Kittens… (meer)
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Do you sometimes find it difficult to engage your loved one with dementia? To help them stay calm in the midst of an emotional reaction? To find activities you can share with them that encourage peaceful interaction? This book can help. Thumbing through this picture book with your loved one is an activity that will capture their attention, engage their mind, and encourage them to relax. They'll feel a sense of delight and anticipation as they turn the pages to see what beautiful garden is next. You'll find a lot of other picture books out there, mostly for kids. But it's demeaning for seniors to give them books meant for children. And adult photography books are usually large and heavy, and they often include long, frustrating paragraphs of text. At Sunny Street Books, we design books specifically for seniors with dementia. They're lightweight yet high-quality, adult in nature, with nothing to distract your loved one from their enjoyment of the photos themselves. Families, caregivers, and assisted living staff can share this book with the people they care for. It is also an excellent activity for seniors with Parkinson's disease or recovering from a stroke. Seniors with eyesight or strength challenges who find it difficult to hold a heavy book or read long paragraphs of text will also enjoy this book. FEATURES * Beautiful Content This book is filled with carefully-curated, full-color, high-resolution photos depicting the beauty and serenity of gardens. * No Text The only text included in the book is on the title and copyright page. * Manageable Size This is a 40-page, 6" x 9" softcover that's comfortable to hold and easy to tuck into a bag. * High Quality The quality of this book's cover and its interior design are indistinguishable from books created for other readers. Just because a book is simple and uncomplicated doesn't mean it has to be unattractive, unprofessional, or childish. * Discreet Packaging At no time is anything mentioned about Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or any other challenges the reader might be facing. This book can be given to your loved one without fear that they might feel embarrassed or offended. NOTES FOR CAREGIVERS * Sit beside your loved one in a quiet place that is free of distractions. * Allow them to hold the book if possible, and also turn the pages, which will enable them to become more engaged in the book. * Put a pillow in their lap to support the book as you thumb through it together. * Start by asking questions that are easy to answer. "Which garden do you think is prettier? The one with the wooden bridge or the one at the country house?" Then move to more open-ended questions. * Leave this book in an accessible place to allow your loved one to pick it up on their own when you're not there. Click on "Sunny Street Books" at the top of this page beneath the title of the book for links to all the books we publish: The Picture Book of Birds The Picture Book of Natural Wonders The Picture Book of Butterflies The Picture Book of Movie Stars The Picture Book of Cats The Picture Book of Dogs The Picture Book of Bible Verses The Picture Book of Flowers The Picture Book of Babies The Picture Book of Beaches The Picture Book of Horses The Picture Book of Baby Animals The Picture Book of Kids and Animals The Picture Book of American Patriotism The Picture Book of Churches The Picture Book of Kittens

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