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Cirsova, Vol. 2, No. 4

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NovelettesBattle Beyond the ContinuumBy DARREN GOOSSENSRex Funnel and Paul Aglet have travelled across time and space, testing their new continuon flux drive-and found themselves in the midst of a planetary conflict The MeetingBy LIVIU SURUGIU translation by RALUCA BALASA]Two star-crossed lovers, doomed by their strange malady to never meet, must share their thoughts and feelings by the letters they hide within their asylum chambers Short StoriesAscension StarBy JOHN GRADOVILLEFree trader Remi Gavilan's world is turned upside down when he crosses paths with a pleasure girl...the same day the Jinlintan royal family is systematically murdered Why Did You Leave Your Last Employer?By BRIAN M. MILTONGeorge may have found his dream job-keeping bees for the eccentric Dr. Rotstein But what is the aim of the doctor's experiments? Why does the honey taste strange? A Judgment of LestrelBy WILLIAM HUGGINSPenne has spent his Re-Gen-enhanced lives going on one bender after another-his last chance to break the cycle may be the incomparable world of Lestrel Henry and the Prince of CatsBy DAN WOLFGANGA strange incident has left his master dead With his newfound intelligence, Henry, a Scottish Terrier, sets out to solve the mystery of what happened to all the humans Bad Luck CharmBy JAY BARNSONLarry Colton has had quite the run of luck He's got a good job and a new girlfriend he thinks is out of his league...Things are great, aside from a few strange nightmares Death's ShadowBy CAROLINE FURLONGIraq War vet Matt Barnaby has been blessed-and cursed-by the ability to see the shadow of death, hanging about the auras of those around him… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorharrygbutler
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NovelettesBattle Beyond the ContinuumBy DARREN GOOSSENSRex Funnel and Paul Aglet have travelled across time and space, testing their new continuon flux drive-and found themselves in the midst of a planetary conflict The MeetingBy LIVIU SURUGIU translation by RALUCA BALASA]Two star-crossed lovers, doomed by their strange malady to never meet, must share their thoughts and feelings by the letters they hide within their asylum chambers Short StoriesAscension StarBy JOHN GRADOVILLEFree trader Remi Gavilan's world is turned upside down when he crosses paths with a pleasure girl...the same day the Jinlintan royal family is systematically murdered Why Did You Leave Your Last Employer?By BRIAN M. MILTONGeorge may have found his dream job-keeping bees for the eccentric Dr. Rotstein But what is the aim of the doctor's experiments? Why does the honey taste strange? A Judgment of LestrelBy WILLIAM HUGGINSPenne has spent his Re-Gen-enhanced lives going on one bender after another-his last chance to break the cycle may be the incomparable world of Lestrel Henry and the Prince of CatsBy DAN WOLFGANGA strange incident has left his master dead With his newfound intelligence, Henry, a Scottish Terrier, sets out to solve the mystery of what happened to all the humans Bad Luck CharmBy JAY BARNSONLarry Colton has had quite the run of luck He's got a good job and a new girlfriend he thinks is out of his league...Things are great, aside from a few strange nightmares Death's ShadowBy CAROLINE FURLONGIraq War vet Matt Barnaby has been blessed-and cursed-by the ability to see the shadow of death, hanging about the auras of those around him

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