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Duchamp: A Biography door Calvin Tomkins
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Duchamp: A Biography (editie 2014)

door Calvin Tomkins (Auteur)

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2452113,590 (3.86)2
A catalog documenting an exhibition of Marcel Duchamp's editioned readymades at Gagosian Gallery, New York, replicating his American debut at Cordier & Ekstrom in the same building in 1965 and including new essays. Marcel Duchamp's first readymade, a standard bicycle wheel attached to a wooden stool, came about "as a pleasure, something to have in my room the way you have a fire, or a pencil sharpener, except that there was no usefulness." Over the ensuing decades many of his readymades were lost or destroyed, but in 1964 Duchamp, working with acclaimed gallerist Arturo Schwarz, supplanted the original readymades with fourteen precisely executed editioned multiples, a process which culminated in an exhibition in New York in 1965.  Adina Kamien-Kazhdan chronicles this process in a new essay that provides significant insight into Duchamp and Schwarz's relationship, as well as detailing the creation of the editions. Calvin Tomkins' new profile of Duchamp prefaces this beautiful book and is a welcome addition, serving as the perfect introduction to the black-and-white installation shots from the 1965 show and the full-page color photographs of each readymade.… (meer)
Titel:Duchamp: A Biography
Auteurs:Calvin Tomkins (Auteur)
Info:The Museum of Modern Art, New York (2014), Edition: Revised ed., 560 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Duchamp: A Biography door Calvin Tomkins

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[Auckland Council Libraries]
  yuef3i | Sep 19, 2021 |
a very detailed biography of one of the most important artist of recent times. and on the most mysterious artist. he was serious about his work yet at times he seemed to make fun of serious art. the book does a great job of exploring his art and the artist. the reader also gets an inside view of the art work of the 20th century. ( )
  michaelbartley | Oct 19, 2014 |
Toon 2 van 2
Marcel Duchamp was the class clown of the school of modern art. When he drew a mustache on a picture of the ''Mona Lisa,'' he proved that art could be spun from pure adolescent insolence. No other artist accomplished so much by seeming to do so little. The artfulness of his anti-art antics won him a loyal following in the 1960's, when the art scene took a detour from high-mindedness and became a prankster parade. To Duchamp we owe our current Age of Irony and a culture in which nothing is taken more seriously than the gravely hip joke.

Calvin Tomkins's ''Duchamp'' -- the first full-dress biography of the artist -- puts a dark cloak on its bemused and elusive subject. Mr. Tomkins, a longtime writer at The New Yorker and the author of an earlier monograph on Duchamp, befriended the artist in the early 60's. Duchamp was then living in New York, revered as a Dadaist deity whose most absurd creation was surely his own life. It had been four decades since he first announced (not quite dishonestly) that he was giving up art for chess. Callers to his downtown apartment invariably found him in his armchair, a lean, striking Frenchman puffing a cigar and insisting that he was simply too lazy to resume making art. When people asked him how he spent his time, he replied that he was a ''respirateur,'' a breather, as if that were enough to keep even the most wayward genius content.
toegevoegd door aathiessen | bewerkNew York Times, Deborah Solomon (Dec 1, 1996)

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A catalog documenting an exhibition of Marcel Duchamp's editioned readymades at Gagosian Gallery, New York, replicating his American debut at Cordier & Ekstrom in the same building in 1965 and including new essays. Marcel Duchamp's first readymade, a standard bicycle wheel attached to a wooden stool, came about "as a pleasure, something to have in my room the way you have a fire, or a pencil sharpener, except that there was no usefulness." Over the ensuing decades many of his readymades were lost or destroyed, but in 1964 Duchamp, working with acclaimed gallerist Arturo Schwarz, supplanted the original readymades with fourteen precisely executed editioned multiples, a process which culminated in an exhibition in New York in 1965.  Adina Kamien-Kazhdan chronicles this process in a new essay that provides significant insight into Duchamp and Schwarz's relationship, as well as detailing the creation of the editions. Calvin Tomkins' new profile of Duchamp prefaces this beautiful book and is a welcome addition, serving as the perfect introduction to the black-and-white installation shots from the 1965 show and the full-page color photographs of each readymade.

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