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Watermelon Summer

door Kenneth Mattern

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Sheriff John Shambach is consumed with the tragedies happening, without rhyme or reason, in the nearby village of Centerville. While he tries to track down the murderer of little Betsy Smith, two teenagers who live in the village, are well on the way of discovering who this evil monster is. They discover who was responsible for the horrible events at the Firemen's Carnival, where Betsy Smith was brutally murdered and another girl attacked and nearly raped. They piece together the clues to what actually happened to Patrick Marks and why his pants were on backwards. And why he was found down a well. Through this summer of horror they unearth the facts that the sheriff is unable find and they identify the serial killer in their midst. How does a small insular society cope with tragedy after tragedy in that hot summer? Watermelon Summer contains sexual content and adult situations.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorKMattern

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Sheriff John Shambach is consumed with the tragedies happening, without rhyme or reason, in the nearby village of Centerville. While he tries to track down the murderer of little Betsy Smith, two teenagers who live in the village, are well on the way of discovering who this evil monster is. They discover who was responsible for the horrible events at the Firemen's Carnival, where Betsy Smith was brutally murdered and another girl attacked and nearly raped. They piece together the clues to what actually happened to Patrick Marks and why his pants were on backwards. And why he was found down a well. Through this summer of horror they unearth the facts that the sheriff is unable find and they identify the serial killer in their midst. How does a small insular society cope with tragedy after tragedy in that hot summer? Watermelon Summer contains sexual content and adult situations.

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Kenneth Mattern is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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