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Photo Camino: A Personal Guide to Photography on the Camino

door Bill Bennett

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"Before walking my first Camino, I gave a lot of thought to my photographic needs and the challenges ahead. I've been taking photos professionally for more than forty years, yet even so I made some big mistakes on that first pilgrimage. I've since walked another Camino, and now I wish to pass on what I've learnt from those experiences." In Photo Camino, renowned Australian film director and photographer Bill Bennett, author of the best selling Camino memoir The Way, My Way, discusses such issues as: what camera to take, the pros and cons of using your smartphone camera, how to take good landscape shots, weather protection and security of your gear and images, blogging and social media, and using your camera to enrich your Camino experience. As well, he discusses twelve classic Camino photos, and how best to take them - plus be provides his 100 top tips for photography along The Way. Complete with more than 80 stunning photographs, Photo Camino is required reading for anyone wanting to take photos on the Camino de Santiago, or for those that simply want to discover the wonder of this ancient pilgrimage route.Bill Bennett is an award winning film director, an Accredited Member of the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers, and an Adjunct Professor of Creative Industries at the Queensland University of Technology.… (meer)
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"Before walking my first Camino, I gave a lot of thought to my photographic needs and the challenges ahead. I've been taking photos professionally for more than forty years, yet even so I made some big mistakes on that first pilgrimage. I've since walked another Camino, and now I wish to pass on what I've learnt from those experiences." In Photo Camino, renowned Australian film director and photographer Bill Bennett, author of the best selling Camino memoir The Way, My Way, discusses such issues as: what camera to take, the pros and cons of using your smartphone camera, how to take good landscape shots, weather protection and security of your gear and images, blogging and social media, and using your camera to enrich your Camino experience. As well, he discusses twelve classic Camino photos, and how best to take them - plus be provides his 100 top tips for photography along The Way. Complete with more than 80 stunning photographs, Photo Camino is required reading for anyone wanting to take photos on the Camino de Santiago, or for those that simply want to discover the wonder of this ancient pilgrimage route.Bill Bennett is an award winning film director, an Accredited Member of the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers, and an Adjunct Professor of Creative Industries at the Queensland University of Technology.

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