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Feryl and the Feline

door Bill Holbrook

Reeksen: Safe Havens {Holbrook} (2017)

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As the "Safe Havens" gang begin their final countdown to Mars, a more earthbound concern arises with the relationship between Vince, Pam and the new presence of Feryl Farnsworth. This becomes an issue spanning multiple generations?and species. Samantha has her hands full dealing with these three, and also with the construction of the spaceship Fastrack One currently being assembled beyond the far side of the moon to avoid the prying eyes of Elon Musk. Fortunately she's been granted a sabbatical by Havens University, so she doesn't have to worry about also grading term papers. Even before launch the spaceship has to deal with a malware attack and random meteoroids. There's also a health scare involving merfolk members of the crew. None of these are the best of omens. Meanwhile, Vince, Pam and Feryl embark on a more personal voyage of discovery, leading to secrets being revealed about their pasts. Nothing up our sleeves?… (meer)
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As the "Safe Havens" gang begin their final countdown to Mars, a more earthbound concern arises with the relationship between Vince, Pam and the new presence of Feryl Farnsworth. This becomes an issue spanning multiple generations?and species. Samantha has her hands full dealing with these three, and also with the construction of the spaceship Fastrack One currently being assembled beyond the far side of the moon to avoid the prying eyes of Elon Musk. Fortunately she's been granted a sabbatical by Havens University, so she doesn't have to worry about also grading term papers. Even before launch the spaceship has to deal with a malware attack and random meteoroids. There's also a health scare involving merfolk members of the crew. None of these are the best of omens. Meanwhile, Vince, Pam and Feryl embark on a more personal voyage of discovery, leading to secrets being revealed about their pasts. Nothing up our sleeves?

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