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Happy Sloth Day! door April Pulley Sayre
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Happy Sloth Day! (editie 2022)

door April Pulley Sayre (Auteur)

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271889,293 (3.6)Geen
"Take a sloth's-eye view of the world in this beautiful and informative photographic picture book. Young readers will see where sloths live, what they eat, how they hide from predators, and much more. They'll learn about the creatures that interact with and depend on sloths in the interconnected and fragile tropical forest ecosystem"--… (meer)
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Fine photographs of sloths, their habitat, and other animals and birds work in tandem with primary and secondary text to introduce readers to sloths. Full of interesting facts, including additional back matter for those who want more "sloth science."

Did you know that sloths got their sleepy reputation from scientists who only observed them in zoos? In the wild, sloths sleep about as much as human teenagers - 9-10 hours. Koalas have the sleepy record! ( )
  JennyArch | Apr 27, 2024 |
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"Take a sloth's-eye view of the world in this beautiful and informative photographic picture book. Young readers will see where sloths live, what they eat, how they hide from predators, and much more. They'll learn about the creatures that interact with and depend on sloths in the interconnected and fragile tropical forest ecosystem"--

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