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Ruta de fuego door Ann Benson
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Ruta de fuego (origineel 1998; editie 2003)

door Ann Benson, Eduardo G. Murillo (Vertaler)

Reeksen: Plague Tales (2)

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2639105,182 (3.92)3
From the bestselling author of The Plague Tales comes a spellbinding new novel that sweeps from medieval France to America in the year 2007--interweaving two gripping stories and two extraordinary eras.... In fourteenth-century France, pockets of plague still bring death to peasants and noblemen alike. Amid the fury and the chaos, Dr. Alejandro Canches searches for a safe haven, accompanied by his foster child, Kate--the illegitimate daughter of Edward Plantagenet. But both disease and human enemies pursue them, and their only hope for survival is a rebel leader... and medical secrets that lie hidden in an ancient manuscript. Seven hundred years later, Dr. Janie Crowe is searching for the cure for a crippling disease in a world where genetic engineering has gone mad. A repressive government wants to stop her, unnamed benefactors want to help her, and time is running out to find answers linking two dark eras, two dedicated doctors, and one miraculous book....… (meer)
Titel:Ruta de fuego
Auteurs:Ann Benson
Andere auteurs:Eduardo G. Murillo (Vertaler)
Info:[Barcelona] Debolsillo 2003
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Burning Road door Ann Benson (1998)

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Ruta de fuego abarca desde la Francia del siglo XVI hasta los Estados Unidos de 2007, enlazando dos historias emocionantes y dos épocas extraordinarias. Esta novela relata la peripecia de dos médicos separados por siglos pero unidos en su búsqueda de fórmulas y me dicamentos capaces de detener el peor azote que la humanidad haya sufrido nunca... El médico Alejandro Canches huye con Kate de la corte inglesa y atraviesa Francia de incógnito, pero en su camino ayuda a las víctimas de la peste negra. Kate se enamora de un líder rebelde con el que vive increíbles vicisitudes y Alejandro cae prisionero de un siniestro profesor de medicina. La situación de ambos se complica cada vez más, mientras los ingleses los persiguen sin desmayo..... Por su parte, la doctora Janie Crowe se enfrenta a un pavoroso rebrote de la plaga que diezmó gran parte de la población y debe recluirse en una comunidad secreta de científicos e investigadores. Allí emprenderán una carrera contra el tiempo para encontrar un antídoto contra un virus que podría acabar con todo vestigio de vida en el planeta.
  Natt90 | Jul 18, 2022 |
The sequel to my much-loved Plague Tales continues the future/past storylines and brings back the compelling characters. In the future, Janie deals with a possible scientific conspiracy, while in the past, Alejandro and his daughter are caught up in the Jacobite rebellion. War, plague, conspiracy...gotta love it! ( )
  Mrs_McGreevy | Nov 17, 2016 |
The follow-on book to The Plague Tales, this novel was okay. It didn't leave me with as many questions as the first book but clearly the author intends to write another. Oddly, the first book ended with one of the characters having a young child who is only just born at the end of the second book. It's a time slip novel, this book continues the trials and tribulations of the physician Alejandro Canches and his adopted daughter Kate (who remind me from time to time of Jean Valjean and Celeste always on the run in Les Miserables) in 1358, 10 years after the first book. The "future" advanced only 2 years from the first book to 2007. I continue to wonder why this author, who was writing in 1999, chose to make the future so near our own present day. She describes a time when antibiotics have become useless through overuse, people have id tags in their hands so they can pay for things, gas is rationed, Big Brother is everywhere. It's not implausible but not here yet so it still seems odd to me. I preferred the medieval period to the modern day in this one but neither story was really compelling and the book left me wanting. ( )
  Oodles | Feb 16, 2016 |
Continuación de La plaga, una de las novelas más exitosas de los últimos años, Ruta de fuego abarca desde la Francia del siglo XVI hasta los Estados Unidos del 2007, enlazando dos historias emocionantes y dos épocas extraordinarias. Ésta es la peripecia de dos médicos separados por siglos pero unidos en su búsqueda de fórmulas y medicamentos capaces de detener el peor azote que la humanidad haya sufrido nunca. El médico Alejandro Canches huye con Kate de la corte inglesa y atraviesa Francia de incógnito, pero en su camino ayuda a las víctimas de l apeste negra. Kate se enamora de un líder rebelde con el que vive increibles vicisitudes y Alejandro cae prisionero de un siniestro profesor de medicina. La situación de ambos se complica cada vez más y los ingleses los persiguen sin desmayo... Por su parte, la doctora Janie Crowe se enfrenta a un pavoroso rebrote de la plaga que diezmó gran parte de la población y debe recluirse con su amado en una comunidad secreta de científicos e investigadores. Allí emprenderán una carrera contra el tiempo para encontrar un antídoto contra un virus que podría acabar con todo vestigio de vida en el planeta...
  kika66 | Nov 5, 2010 |
A well done novel bridging the effects of a plague on both Medieval Europe and the modern day western world. The story is tied together through a book which had been owned by the Medieval doctor and is now in the possession of the modern doctor. ( )
  sorchasfire | Jan 7, 2010 |
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Wikipedia in het Engels


From the bestselling author of The Plague Tales comes a spellbinding new novel that sweeps from medieval France to America in the year 2007--interweaving two gripping stories and two extraordinary eras.... In fourteenth-century France, pockets of plague still bring death to peasants and noblemen alike. Amid the fury and the chaos, Dr. Alejandro Canches searches for a safe haven, accompanied by his foster child, Kate--the illegitimate daughter of Edward Plantagenet. But both disease and human enemies pursue them, and their only hope for survival is a rebel leader... and medical secrets that lie hidden in an ancient manuscript. Seven hundred years later, Dr. Janie Crowe is searching for the cure for a crippling disease in a world where genetic engineering has gone mad. A repressive government wants to stop her, unnamed benefactors want to help her, and time is running out to find answers linking two dark eras, two dedicated doctors, and one miraculous book....

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Gemiddelde: (3.92)
1 1
2 1
2.5 1
3 10
3.5 4
4 17
4.5 3
5 13

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