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Riley Thorn and the Blast from the Past door…
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Riley Thorn and the Blast from the Past (editie 2022)

door Lucy Score (Auteur)

Reeksen: Riley Thorn (3)

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1224233,581 (4.29)Geen
"#1 New York Times bestselling author Lucy Score's suspenseful reluctant psychic Riley Thorn series features hapless Riley and her hot tattooed PI boyfriend Nick Santiago who's determined to keep her safe at all costs. They're are all moved in to their new fixer-upper, finally have their own place, and no new dead bodies for some time. But then a woman from Nick's past shows up and throws a wrench into everything"--… (meer)
Titel:Riley Thorn and the Blast from the Past
Auteurs:Lucy Score (Auteur)
Info:That's What She Said Publishing (2022), 406 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Riley Thorn and the Blast from the Past door Lucy Score

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The Blast from the Past by Lucy Score picks up right where book two left off, with Riley’s Grandmother’s shocking reveal that Beth Weber, Detective Weber’s sister, who had been missing and presumed dead for the past six years, was still alive. This sends Nick, Riley’s boyfriend into an obsessive search that has him focusing on nothing else… including Riley, the investigative business, and the new mansion that Nick and Riley moved into because of events from book two, The Corpse in the Closet.

If after reading that paragraph, you are like, Whoa! Yup, each book is filled with so much craziness and amusing moments, along with adult steamy times, that I highly recommend this series. Especially if you are a fan of Janet Evanovich.

Riley starts getting weird visions and craving sesame everything (nope, not pregnant!). When she finally figures out why, the story, which had already been wild, takes it up another notch.

Riley, Brian and Josie (members of Santiago Investigations) and the elderly crew all begin separate investigations to make up for the money that Nick lost them over the months of only focusing on Beth and not the business. While they are all wacky, the one that really amused me was the juvenile delinquent, Kory. And the good karma that comes from Riley handling it, helps towards the end when she’s in trouble, and I am sure will come around again in a future book… which I’m looking forward to.

Yea, if it sounds like I’m a bit unhinged, and you’re like, What!.... If you enjoy zany characters and storylines all wrapped around a mystery, you need to check out the Riley Thorn series by Lucy Score. ( )
  KimHeniadis | Jul 20, 2024 |
Riley thought that things would calm down, and she and Nick would finally have some quality time together, but with the revelation by Riley's grandmother that Beth is alive, Nick has become obsessed with finding his ex-partner, Kellen's little sister. Nick's obsession with finding Beth makes Riley doubt her relationship with him. To make things worse, Riley's psychic abilities are acting up, and she is afraid she may have lost them permanently.

The Blast from the Past is another fun entry in the Riley Thorn series. Even though the main mystery surrounding Beth's disappearance 6 years before is the main focus of the book, there are lots of little, cute mysteries that involve the crew that has made a home with Riley and Nick. While some of the escapades in this book are over-the-top, most are still humorous and add to the complete story. There are some instances that are not fleshed out enough to make them feel necessary to the plot. Overall, though, The Blast from the Past is a very enjoyable romantic mystery. ( )
  ftbooklover | Jun 26, 2024 |
Nick and Riley have moved into their new digs but, with Nick obsessed with an old mystery, the rest of the crew is left to work on their own cases. But when a missing person from Nick’s past shows up on their doorstep, whose explanation for their disappearance seems suspicious at best and somehow sets Riley's psychic abilities on the fritz, things really go out of control.

The Blast from the Past is the third novel in Lucy Score’s Riley Thorn series and it is as fun, fast, and humorous as the previous books. It’s full of quirky characters, both old and new, and plenty of laugh-out-loud moments throughout. The mystery’s not too bad either with plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader engaged and entertained. This has become one of my favourite escapist series and I can’t wait for the next adventure in the lives of Riley, Nick and friends.

Thanks to Netgalley and Sourcebooks for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review ( )
  lostinalibrary | Jun 19, 2024 |

I'm so glad this won't end here! I live Riley and Nick. This book kept me laughing and engaged from start to finish. Kudos Lucy! You did it again. ( )
  CherylDenise | Aug 18, 2023 |
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"#1 New York Times bestselling author Lucy Score's suspenseful reluctant psychic Riley Thorn series features hapless Riley and her hot tattooed PI boyfriend Nick Santiago who's determined to keep her safe at all costs. They're are all moved in to their new fixer-upper, finally have their own place, and no new dead bodies for some time. But then a woman from Nick's past shows up and throws a wrench into everything"--

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