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You Must Like Cricket?: Memoirs of an Indian Cricket Fan

door Soumya Bhattacharya

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"The great C L R James once asked- What do they know of cricket who only cricket know? For some of us, the question should be- What do they know who only cricket know? Answering that can keep you awake at night. Soumya Bhattacharya knows this- he has a steady job, a loving wife, a daughter he dotes on. But most of all he has cricket. Or perhaps more accurately- cricket has him. Ever since he can remember, he s loved the game. From his first knockabouts on the living-room carpet with his mother s paper bats and balls he progressed to Test Match Special on short-wave, then to the whole panoply of obsession- one-dayers, Test matches, TV highlights, re-runs of TV highlights, always following one team India. When you come from a country where the game is more than a religion, you must like cricket, right? In this sparkling memoir of a lifetime spent in the company of eleven men, a green field and a billion other worshippers, Soumya Bhattacharya gives us a guided tour of the soul of a cricket obsessive. Part reportage, part travelogue, part cultural politics, You Must Like Cricket? takes us from Bhattacharya's home in Kolkata to Lord s and back again as he explores the joys and… (meer)
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"The great C L R James once asked- What do they know of cricket who only cricket know? For some of us, the question should be- What do they know who only cricket know? Answering that can keep you awake at night. Soumya Bhattacharya knows this- he has a steady job, a loving wife, a daughter he dotes on. But most of all he has cricket. Or perhaps more accurately- cricket has him. Ever since he can remember, he s loved the game. From his first knockabouts on the living-room carpet with his mother s paper bats and balls he progressed to Test Match Special on short-wave, then to the whole panoply of obsession- one-dayers, Test matches, TV highlights, re-runs of TV highlights, always following one team India. When you come from a country where the game is more than a religion, you must like cricket, right? In this sparkling memoir of a lifetime spent in the company of eleven men, a green field and a billion other worshippers, Soumya Bhattacharya gives us a guided tour of the soul of a cricket obsessive. Part reportage, part travelogue, part cultural politics, You Must Like Cricket? takes us from Bhattacharya's home in Kolkata to Lord s and back again as he explores the joys and

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