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The Birthright (Song of Acadia #3) door T.…
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The Birthright (Song of Acadia #3) (editie 2001)

door T. Davis Bunn (Auteur), Janette Oke (Auteur)

Reeksen: Song of Acadia (3)

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780529,783 (3.98)1
The Thread Binding Them Together As Sisters Is All Too Fragile... The bittersweet reunion of the Robichaud family and the Harrows in the land of the Acadians has brought two mothers and two daughters full circle. They rekindle those early bonds and experience restoration of those lost years, but time and tragedy have left their indelible imprints on all who have endured the decades of separation and uncertainty. Moving forward with their lives now means further farewells--not as devastating as the one long ago, but no less heart wrenching. Their connection, which goes beyond that of "sisters" to best friends, will be tested by the coming Revolution and the lure of England--parted again, the reunited, but for how long...? Can their friendship sustain the startling revelation concerning...The Birthright?… (meer)
Titel:The Birthright (Song of Acadia #3)
Auteurs:T. Davis Bunn (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Janette Oke (Auteur)
Info:Bethany House Publishers (2001), 287 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Birthright door Janette Oke


Uitgeleend 2024-09-14 — Over tijd 2024-10-12
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"The only living relative of Lord Charles Harrow, Nicole journeys from Nova Scotia to England at the onset of the Revolutionary War, to accept her duty as his heir. Filled with a desperate longing for home, Nicole invites her sister Anne to join her in England. Drawn by her deep love for Nicole, Anne and her infant son join her at the Hawrrow estate. But with war waging between England and the American colonies, a tragic secret threatens to surface and tear these sisters apart forever."
  salem.colorado | Mar 2, 2023 |
Facing the threat of war, can two families be united in peace amid the heartbreak?
  BLTSbraille | Sep 5, 2021 |
Another fast paced drama in the Acadian series! Oke and Bunn team up to build a vibrant story that continues to fascinate, encourage, and engage readers. As each book ends I find myself reading the next one to discover what occurs in the lives of these well-developed characters! I have underlined many passages of truth to apply to my own life. The fascinating history, elaborate descriptions, and thrilling storyline engage the reader to the last page! I highly recommend this series! ( )
  sh2rose | Sep 6, 2016 |
I read this third in the Song of Acadia series before having completed the second book, and found that it satisfactorily answered most all the questions that the first book "The Meeting Place" had posed. This was a very quick read and the "surprise" resolution to the problem of legacy was very satisfactory. I look forward to finishing the second story and reading on in the series to find out what happens to Nicole and Anne, the two main protagonists. ( )
  SherylHendrix | Jul 25, 2014 |
Since their reunion, Nicole and Anne have moved from "sisters" to best friends, but when Anne and her young son follow Nicole to their uncle Charles's English estate to become his heirs, they struggle to overcome the trials of keeping their birthright secret. ( )
  Lynngood | Jun 29, 2010 |
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Oke, Janetteprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Bunn, T. Davisprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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The Thread Binding Them Together As Sisters Is All Too Fragile... The bittersweet reunion of the Robichaud family and the Harrows in the land of the Acadians has brought two mothers and two daughters full circle. They rekindle those early bonds and experience restoration of those lost years, but time and tragedy have left their indelible imprints on all who have endured the decades of separation and uncertainty. Moving forward with their lives now means further farewells--not as devastating as the one long ago, but no less heart wrenching. Their connection, which goes beyond that of "sisters" to best friends, will be tested by the coming Revolution and the lure of England--parted again, the reunited, but for how long...? Can their friendship sustain the startling revelation concerning...The Birthright?

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2 3
2.5 1
3 12
4 8
4.5 1
5 18

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