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Fake Chinese Sounds door Jing Jing Tsong
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Fake Chinese Sounds (origineel 2024; editie 2024)

door Jing Jing Tsong (Auteur)

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1321,560,167 (4.25)Geen
"Between homework, studying, and Chinese school, Měi Yīng's summer is shaping up to be a boring one. Her only bright spots are practice with her soccer team, the Divas, and the time spent with her năi nai, who is visiting from Taiwan. Although Měi Yīng's Mandarin isn't the best and Năi Nai doesn't speak English, they find other ways to connect, like cooking guōtiē together and doing tai chi in the mornings. By the end of the summer, Měi Yīng is sad to see Năi Nai go--she's the com­plete opposite of Měi Yīng serious professor mother--but excited to start fifth grade. Until new kid Sid starts making her the butt of racist jokes. Her best friend, Kirra, says to ignore him, butdoes everyone else's silence about the harassment mean they're also ignoring Sid... or her? As Sid's bullying fuels Měi Yīng's feelings of invisibility, she must learn to reclaim her identity and her voice"--… (meer)
Titel:Fake Chinese Sounds
Auteurs:Jing Jing Tsong (Auteur)
Info:Kokila (2024), 208 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Fake Chinese Sounds door Jing Jing Tsong (2024)

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It took me a minute to warm up to the illustration style, but I did like this story about a Taiwanese American fifth grader navigating her relationships with her mother, grandmother and best friend while dealing with racism and bullying. ( )
  villemezbrown | Jun 11, 2024 |
The narrative is a bit disjointed, but I love the way Měi Yīng and Năi Nai have an instant bond. I love the intergenerational relationships between the characters. I loved the way language is portrayed. I love the way Měi Yīng ultimately stands up for herself and hate that she has to learn how to do that. The friendships, the soccer, Měi Yīng's active personality and the frogs were all highlights as well. I thought the International week presentations were a little idealistic, but they certainly helped get the message of heritage across. Good book! ( )
  jennybeast | Jun 7, 2024 |
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"Between homework, studying, and Chinese school, Měi Yīng's summer is shaping up to be a boring one. Her only bright spots are practice with her soccer team, the Divas, and the time spent with her năi nai, who is visiting from Taiwan. Although Měi Yīng's Mandarin isn't the best and Năi Nai doesn't speak English, they find other ways to connect, like cooking guōtiē together and doing tai chi in the mornings. By the end of the summer, Měi Yīng is sad to see Năi Nai go--she's the com­plete opposite of Měi Yīng serious professor mother--but excited to start fifth grade. Until new kid Sid starts making her the butt of racist jokes. Her best friend, Kirra, says to ignore him, butdoes everyone else's silence about the harassment mean they're also ignoring Sid... or her? As Sid's bullying fuels Měi Yīng's feelings of invisibility, she must learn to reclaim her identity and her voice"--

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