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The golden doves : a novel door Martha Hall…
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The golden doves : a novel (editie 2023)

door Martha Hall Kelly (Auteur)

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19814140,128 (3.84)Geen
"Two former female spies, bound by their past, risk everything to hunt down an infamous Nazi doctor in the aftermath of World War II-an extraordinary, propulsive historical novel inspired by true events from the New York Times bestselling author of Lilac Girls The year is 1952. It's been over a decade since American Sofie Anderson and Frechwoman Arlette LaRue were imprisoned at the Ravensbrück concentration camp. As a pair of spies known as the Golden Doves, the two were arrested for working with the Resistance and were bound forever when they lost everything-including Arlette's son, Willie. It was here, in the darkest of places, that they created a makeshift family to endure: Sofie, Arlette, and a little orphan they took in as their own, Fleur. Now thirty and supposedly working for the U.S. Army to bring Nazi scientists to America in a quest to outpace the Russians, Sofie nurtures an undying ember of anger in her heart. She is searching for Dr. Snow: The infamous, enigmatic doctor who did unspeakable things to her mother. Arlette is trying to make ends meet in Paris. She's exhausted all of her finances to find her stolen son and works tirelessly to care for shellshocked Fleur. Then, the charming Luc Bouchard arrives in her cafe. The son of a famous philanthropic family, he invites her to their compound in French Guiana with the promised hope she might find Willie at the orphanage. And yet . . . rumor is that it's also filled with absconding Nazis. When Arlette arrives at the secluded Cove House, she finds herself barred from the outside. Soon, she has to rely on her old techniques as a spy to uncover a deep deception that hits close to home. In the meantime, Sofie's quest for Dr. Snow leads her from Strasbourg to the Vatican to Brazil, and finally back to Arlette in French Guiana, where the two discover that their lives, and the ones they love, are in grave danger. Martha Hall Kelly has garnered acclaim for her stunning combination of empathy and research into terrors of Ravensbrück. With The Golden Doves, she has once again crafted an unforgettable story about the fates of the Nazi doctors in the wake of WWII, and the unsung females spies who risked it all to fight for justice"--… (meer)
Titel:The golden doves : a novel
Auteurs:Martha Hall Kelly (Auteur)
Info:Ballantine Books (2023), 528 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, ebooks, Gelezen, maar niet in bezit
Trefwoorden:historical fiction, WWII, Nazi scientists, Ravensbruck, Paperclip Project, ebook, St. Louis County Library, 2023

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The Golden Doves door Martha Hall Kelly

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1-5 van 14 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I love this authors previous books as she puts so much research and personal touch to her historical fiction inspired by true events. This one I found challenging to piece together the stories with the alternative times from different POV in different time lines. It starts in 1952 Fort Bliss, TX and Paris, France back to past events in 1943.

Josie Anderson from Fort Bliss, Texas and Arlette LaRue from Paris, France work undercover during the war for the French Resistance stealing Nazi secrets and would eventually be discovered by the Gestapo. The Nazis arrested them and were imprisoned in the Ravensbruck concentration camp with their families where they endured unspeakable crimes.

A decade after WWII, the two former female spies are contacted to risk their lives once more to help track down an infamous Nazi doctor who performed dangerous experiments on people. Both woman also want to avenge the pain the Nazis had inflicted on their families during the war.
Lieutenant Josie Anderson working for the US Army intelligence learns about how certain Nazi scientists were given refuge if they agreed to work with the US government. In doing so they could avoid imprisonment in Germany for war crimes. There was one doctor in particular who remained a risk as he was being sought by the Russians who wanted to lure the talented scientist. Dr Snow was an elusive, virologist and gynecologist who performed inhumane experiments during the war on humans. This is where Josie and Arlette come in as they have their own personal reasons for wanting to see Dr Snow behind bars.

This is a story about trust, survival and resilience.

I feel the author may wanted to include too much information into the novel that some parts didn't feel authentic. I am rounding up my review as I know the author does extensive research from her other spectacular historic novels. ( )
  marquis784 | Apr 2, 2024 |
This novel has so much - spies, powerful women, a fight for justice, and more - but I struggled to get through the book and I had trouble connecting with the characters. I'm certain other readers will love this book, but I felt like there was almost too much happening for a good story. ( )
  wagner.sarah35 | Feb 24, 2024 |
The Golden Doves. A pair of brave young women who became known for their daring acts in the French Resistance. American Josie Anderson and Parisian Arlette LaRue face harrowing consequences when they're captured by the Gestapo and sent to Ravensbrück concentration camp. A decade later, Josie works for U.S. Army intelligence and pursues a notorious Nazi doctor, while a stranger offers Arlette hope of finding her long-lost son. Together, the Golden Doves embark on a perilous journey across Europe and French Guiana, uncovering horrifying secrets and risking everything for justice and their loved ones.

I really wanted to like this one, especially with how much it was based on true stories and facts. The author did an excellent job highlighting the unfairness of how Nazi officers escaped justice for the crimes they did. Also, the horror of the continued experiments was also shown well.

However, I didn’t like either main character. Throughout the story, I found them both unlikely spies and I was frustrated by the decisions they made. It was hard to believe either of them had been trained in espionage. They also seemed to fall into bed with every good looking man who crossed their path. And would continue to sleep with them, even when they didn’t trust them.

Overall, I found this a difficult book to get through. I appreciated the details of life after World War II, but would have liked characters that I could actually like. I received an ARC through NetGalley and all opinions expressed are my own. ( )
  TheQuietReader | Sep 21, 2023 |
This is an extremely important piece of writing insofar as it shines a blinding light on a country’s complicity in the horrors of war and how far powerful men will go to gain their objective. I took a long time reflecting on this book before trying to review it because so much of it was so difficult to explain and embrace. Murderers treated to tennis whites and court time and forget about the horrors they perpetrated, in their torture chambers, on innocent women. There is so much ugliness, so much misplaced rationalizing, and that may be the best we can say about those perceived to be the good guys. Those described in The Golden Doves are damaged survivors who are willing to follow instructions almost blindly, searching for the enemy, a lost son, and ultimately their betrayers.

Meticulously researched, slow going at times, I kept coming back to how much can be forgiven, while insuring that this story will not be forgotten. Thanks to Ballantine Books and NetGalley for a copy. ( )
  kimkimkim | Sep 17, 2023 |
This is the story of two young women, Josie Anderson and Arlette, who had served as resistance fighters in France during WWII. They were dubbed Golden Doves when they were able to provide sensitive information to the British by listening into Nazi transmissions. It is told in two time frames, 1943-45 and 1952. Josie is an Army captain who seeks out German scientists for Project Paperclip, a program to recruit former Nazi scientists to the US before Russia can recruit them for their knowledge. Both had been sent to Ravensbruck when they were arrested when a young homeless girl, Fleur, sought safety in their home in Paris. Josie's father was a diplomat and Arlette now works in a cafe in Paris. She had a young son, Willie, which she lost while at Ravensbruck. Josie is trying to locate Dr. Snow to recruit him to Project Paperclip. Dr. Snow is a physician who experimented on the women at Ravensbruck and also selected which women would be transported to their death. She travels around Europe seeking information while Arlette follows a lead on her son to French Guiana at the behest of Luc Mineau and his mother Doria, where she finds Father Peter Vogel in charge of an orphan camp with European boys and Maroon boys. Arlette knows something is not right about the camp, but she wants to find her son Willie. ( )
  baughga | May 26, 2023 |
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"Two former female spies, bound by their past, risk everything to hunt down an infamous Nazi doctor in the aftermath of World War II-an extraordinary, propulsive historical novel inspired by true events from the New York Times bestselling author of Lilac Girls The year is 1952. It's been over a decade since American Sofie Anderson and Frechwoman Arlette LaRue were imprisoned at the Ravensbrück concentration camp. As a pair of spies known as the Golden Doves, the two were arrested for working with the Resistance and were bound forever when they lost everything-including Arlette's son, Willie. It was here, in the darkest of places, that they created a makeshift family to endure: Sofie, Arlette, and a little orphan they took in as their own, Fleur. Now thirty and supposedly working for the U.S. Army to bring Nazi scientists to America in a quest to outpace the Russians, Sofie nurtures an undying ember of anger in her heart. She is searching for Dr. Snow: The infamous, enigmatic doctor who did unspeakable things to her mother. Arlette is trying to make ends meet in Paris. She's exhausted all of her finances to find her stolen son and works tirelessly to care for shellshocked Fleur. Then, the charming Luc Bouchard arrives in her cafe. The son of a famous philanthropic family, he invites her to their compound in French Guiana with the promised hope she might find Willie at the orphanage. And yet . . . rumor is that it's also filled with absconding Nazis. When Arlette arrives at the secluded Cove House, she finds herself barred from the outside. Soon, she has to rely on her old techniques as a spy to uncover a deep deception that hits close to home. In the meantime, Sofie's quest for Dr. Snow leads her from Strasbourg to the Vatican to Brazil, and finally back to Arlette in French Guiana, where the two discover that their lives, and the ones they love, are in grave danger. Martha Hall Kelly has garnered acclaim for her stunning combination of empathy and research into terrors of Ravensbrück. With The Golden Doves, she has once again crafted an unforgettable story about the fates of the Nazi doctors in the wake of WWII, and the unsung females spies who risked it all to fight for justice"--

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