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The New College Classroom door Cathy N.…
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The New College Classroom (editie 2022)

door Cathy N. Davidson (Auteur)

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College still looks like it did a century ago, with instructors delivering lectures to silent rows of students. Yet research shows unambiguously that active learning is more effective and inclusive. The New College Classroom translates the evidence into hands-on guidance for teachers in every discipline and institution, so all students can excel. "College instruction is stuck in the past. If a time traveler from a century ago arrived on today's campuses, they would recognize only too well the listlessness of the lecture hall and the awkward silence of the seminar room. Yet we know how to do better. Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis, two of the world's foremost innovators in higher education, turn to the latest research and methods to show how teachers at every kind of institution can help students become independent, creative, and active learners. The New College Classroom helps instructors in all disciplines create an environment that is truly conducive to learning. Davidson and Katopodis translate cutting-edge research in learning science and pedagogy into ready-to-use strategies to incorporate into any course. These empirically driven, classroom-tested techniques of active learning--from the participatory syllabus and ungrading to grab-and-go activities for every day of the term--have achieved impressive results at community colleges and research universities, on campus, online, and in hybrid settings. Extensive evidence shows that active-learning tools are more effective than conventional methods of instruction. Davidson and Katopodis explain how and why their approach works and provide detailed case studies of educators successfully applying active-learning techniques in their courses every day, ensuring that their students are better prepared for the world after college." -- Publisher's description.… (meer)
Titel:The New College Classroom
Auteurs:Cathy N. Davidson (Auteur)
Info:Harvard University Press (2022), 320 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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The New College Classroom door Cathy N. Davidson

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College still looks like it did a century ago, with instructors delivering lectures to silent rows of students. Yet research shows unambiguously that active learning is more effective and inclusive. The New College Classroom translates the evidence into hands-on guidance for teachers in every discipline and institution, so all students can excel. "College instruction is stuck in the past. If a time traveler from a century ago arrived on today's campuses, they would recognize only too well the listlessness of the lecture hall and the awkward silence of the seminar room. Yet we know how to do better. Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis, two of the world's foremost innovators in higher education, turn to the latest research and methods to show how teachers at every kind of institution can help students become independent, creative, and active learners. The New College Classroom helps instructors in all disciplines create an environment that is truly conducive to learning. Davidson and Katopodis translate cutting-edge research in learning science and pedagogy into ready-to-use strategies to incorporate into any course. These empirically driven, classroom-tested techniques of active learning--from the participatory syllabus and ungrading to grab-and-go activities for every day of the term--have achieved impressive results at community colleges and research universities, on campus, online, and in hybrid settings. Extensive evidence shows that active-learning tools are more effective than conventional methods of instruction. Davidson and Katopodis explain how and why their approach works and provide detailed case studies of educators successfully applying active-learning techniques in their courses every day, ensuring that their students are better prepared for the world after college." -- Publisher's description.

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