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Target Practice Mysteries 3 & 4 (Target Practice Mysteries Boxset Book 2)

door Nikki Haverstock

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Book 3 & 4 in a series set at the fictional Westmound Center for Competitive Shooting Sports in rural Wyoming. The series includes competitive archery, a Great Dane named Moo and lots of murder.Target Practice Mysteries 3 & 4Death at the Trade ShowWhen Di grabs a last minute invite to a trade show, she discovers a surprise: a dead body at the host hotel.The Outdoor Industry Trade Show has vendors from archery and firearm companies, a thirty foot tall foam yeti named Karma and at least one killer. Di, roommate Mary and Great Dane, Moo will have to discover who killed hunting personality Cash and why. But digging into the cut throat world of outdoor TV shows means the hunter can become the hunted.Death IndoorsDi is competing in her first tournament of the competition season, but an annoying coach is distracting her and every archer around her.When he is found dead of a heart attack brought on by Taser, then Di, Liam and Great Dane Moo hatch a clever plan to discover which of the many suspects with motive and opportunity helped the coach shuffle off his mortal coil.A humorous and clean cozy mystery for every sleuth in the family… (meer)

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Book 3 & 4 in a series set at the fictional Westmound Center for Competitive Shooting Sports in rural Wyoming. The series includes competitive archery, a Great Dane named Moo and lots of murder.Target Practice Mysteries 3 & 4Death at the Trade ShowWhen Di grabs a last minute invite to a trade show, she discovers a surprise: a dead body at the host hotel.The Outdoor Industry Trade Show has vendors from archery and firearm companies, a thirty foot tall foam yeti named Karma and at least one killer. Di, roommate Mary and Great Dane, Moo will have to discover who killed hunting personality Cash and why. But digging into the cut throat world of outdoor TV shows means the hunter can become the hunted.Death IndoorsDi is competing in her first tournament of the competition season, but an annoying coach is distracting her and every archer around her.When he is found dead of a heart attack brought on by Taser, then Di, Liam and Great Dane Moo hatch a clever plan to discover which of the many suspects with motive and opportunity helped the coach shuffle off his mortal coil.A humorous and clean cozy mystery for every sleuth in the family

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