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Isis in a Global Empire: Greek Identity through Egyptian Religion in Roman Greece

door Lindsey A. Mazurek

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In Isis in a Global Empire, Lindsey Mazurek explores the growing popularity of Egyptian gods and its impact on Greek identity in the Roman Empire. Bringing together archaeological, art historical, and textual evidence, she demonstrates how the diverse devotees of gods such as Isis and Sarapis considered Greek ethnicity in ways that differed significantly from those of the Greek male elites whose opinions have long shaped our understanding of Roman Greece. These ideas were expressed in various ways - sculptures of Egyptian deities rendered in a Greek style, hymns to Isis that grounded her in Greek geography and mythology, funerary portraits that depicted devotees dressed as Isis, and sanctuaries that used natural and artistic features to evoke stereotypes of the Nile. Mazurek's volume offers a fresh, material history of ancient globalization, one that highlights the role that religion played in the self-identification of provincial Romans and their place in the Mediterranean world.… (meer)
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It’s really hard to write a new book on Isis. A formidable amount of scholarship already exists: monographs, sourcebooks, and collections on the goddess’ cult, the temples, monuments, and artwork that has been found throughout the Mediterranean, the various texts that deal with her worship. Mazurek pulls off this daunting task with great success. Drawing from recent theoretical concepts of identity and ethnicity, she studies primarily the material evidence from Roman Greece and Asia Minor, probing the ways Isis worship can illuminate the concept of ethnic identification. The book argues that Isis proved to be a useful vehicle through which her devotees were able to navigate the many intersecting facets of their identity. Furthermore, Isis both functions as a symbol of the globalizing character of the Roman Empire and provides a medium for the expression of alterity and difference. Ultimately, Mazurek claims that Isis exemplifies the dynamic process through which Greek culture dominates while interacting with the tapestry of ethnic identities that make up the Roman Empire.
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In Isis in a Global Empire, Lindsey Mazurek explores the growing popularity of Egyptian gods and its impact on Greek identity in the Roman Empire. Bringing together archaeological, art historical, and textual evidence, she demonstrates how the diverse devotees of gods such as Isis and Sarapis considered Greek ethnicity in ways that differed significantly from those of the Greek male elites whose opinions have long shaped our understanding of Roman Greece. These ideas were expressed in various ways - sculptures of Egyptian deities rendered in a Greek style, hymns to Isis that grounded her in Greek geography and mythology, funerary portraits that depicted devotees dressed as Isis, and sanctuaries that used natural and artistic features to evoke stereotypes of the Nile. Mazurek's volume offers a fresh, material history of ancient globalization, one that highlights the role that religion played in the self-identification of provincial Romans and their place in the Mediterranean world.

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