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Young People's Civic Identity in the Digital Age (Palgrave Studies in Young People and Politics)

door Julianne K. Viola

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‘This book is a rich, nuanced, and thoughtful study of how American youth develop their civic values and capacities in the age of social media.’ –Peter Levine, Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University, USA ‘This thought-provoking book provides compelling insights into young people’s understandings of citizenship and civic engagement in the digital age. Its most significant contribution is to remind us that neither digital nor civic skills are inherent at birth.’ –Victoria Nash, Oxford Internet Institute (OII), University of Oxford, UK ‘Congratulations to Julianne Viola for providing a detailed and insightful portrait of youth civic identity in a time of massive transformation in the ways politics are practiced. The book unpacks youths’ perspectives on their civic engagement, demonstrates that participation varies across groups, and furthers the kind of foundational understanding that can help educators and parents think well about supports for youth voice and influence.’ –Joseph Kahne, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Riverside, USA ‘Contemporary democracies are confronted by significant domestic and global challenges, but governments often lack the support of citizens – especially the young – as they seek to develop plans to resolve these matters. This excellent book is a must-read for all who are interested in how to strengthen the connections between young people and democratic institutions and processes.’ –Matt Henn, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, UK This book explores young people’s civic experiences in contemporary American society, and how they navigate the political world in an era defined by digital media. Drawing on the experiences of young people before they have reached voting age, the book provides vital perspectives on citizenship and civic engagement of a part of the population that is often overlooked. The author engages with the tensions that young people encounter in their everyday personal and civic lives and introduces a new framework of civic identity that has been directly informed by the lived civic experiences of young people themselves. Julianne K. Viola is a social scientist investigating youth political engagement in contemporary society. She holds degrees from Cornell University, Harvard University, and a doctorate from the University of Oxford.… (meer)

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‘This book is a rich, nuanced, and thoughtful study of how American youth develop their civic values and capacities in the age of social media.’ –Peter Levine, Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University, USA ‘This thought-provoking book provides compelling insights into young people’s understandings of citizenship and civic engagement in the digital age. Its most significant contribution is to remind us that neither digital nor civic skills are inherent at birth.’ –Victoria Nash, Oxford Internet Institute (OII), University of Oxford, UK ‘Congratulations to Julianne Viola for providing a detailed and insightful portrait of youth civic identity in a time of massive transformation in the ways politics are practiced. The book unpacks youths’ perspectives on their civic engagement, demonstrates that participation varies across groups, and furthers the kind of foundational understanding that can help educators and parents think well about supports for youth voice and influence.’ –Joseph Kahne, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Riverside, USA ‘Contemporary democracies are confronted by significant domestic and global challenges, but governments often lack the support of citizens – especially the young – as they seek to develop plans to resolve these matters. This excellent book is a must-read for all who are interested in how to strengthen the connections between young people and democratic institutions and processes.’ –Matt Henn, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, UK This book explores young people’s civic experiences in contemporary American society, and how they navigate the political world in an era defined by digital media. Drawing on the experiences of young people before they have reached voting age, the book provides vital perspectives on citizenship and civic engagement of a part of the population that is often overlooked. The author engages with the tensions that young people encounter in their everyday personal and civic lives and introduces a new framework of civic identity that has been directly informed by the lived civic experiences of young people themselves. Julianne K. Viola is a social scientist investigating youth political engagement in contemporary society. She holds degrees from Cornell University, Harvard University, and a doctorate from the University of Oxford.

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