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Social Goals in the Classroom: Findings on Student Motivation and Peer Relations

door Martin H. Jones

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Social Goals in the Classroom is the first volume to comprehensively examine the variety of students' non-academic goals and motivations within the classroom. Each expertly written chapter defines and investigates a particular aspect of students' social objectives before addressing related findings on academic performance, interpersonal outcomes, and directions for future research. Presented in three succinct and comprehensive parts, this book reviews, expands upon, and theoretically synthesizes current research on the many different social goals to offer readers a thorough understanding of non-academic desires and their consequences on learners' educational experiences. Situated in evidence-based theory as well as real-world contexts such as ethnicity, sexual orientation, and social media, this insightful collection--ideal for graduate students, teachers, and researchers--explores how students' social motives influence their academic performance and peer relationships.… (meer)

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Social Goals in the Classroom is the first volume to comprehensively examine the variety of students' non-academic goals and motivations within the classroom. Each expertly written chapter defines and investigates a particular aspect of students' social objectives before addressing related findings on academic performance, interpersonal outcomes, and directions for future research. Presented in three succinct and comprehensive parts, this book reviews, expands upon, and theoretically synthesizes current research on the many different social goals to offer readers a thorough understanding of non-academic desires and their consequences on learners' educational experiences. Situated in evidence-based theory as well as real-world contexts such as ethnicity, sexual orientation, and social media, this insightful collection--ideal for graduate students, teachers, and researchers--explores how students' social motives influence their academic performance and peer relationships.

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