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Josefina Javelina: A Hairy Tale door Susan…
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Josefina Javelina: A Hairy Tale (editie 2005)

door Susan Lowell (Auteur), Bruce W. MacPherson (Illustrator)

Reeksen: Javelina

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Josephina, a javelina who dreams of becoming a famous ballerina, heads for California hoping to be discovered, but her cousin Angelina takes her to a talent agent who looks strangely familiar.
Titel:Josefina Javelina: A Hairy Tale
Auteurs:Susan Lowell (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Bruce W. MacPherson (Illustrator)
Info:Rising Moon (2005), 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Josefina Javelina: A Hairy Tale door Susan Lowell

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I loved the Arizona connection and this inspired me to think more about how i want books in my classroom to include places and things that feel familiar, and that they might come across. Of course this is true for diversity, but also animals, nature, etc. ( )
  Ryleegd | Nov 30, 2022 |
Personal Response:
This is a very fun read for both adults and children. Children will enjoy the story and adult will pick up on the javelina-ized references to real people (like Hairilyn Monroe and Gregory Peccary)

Curricular/Programming Connections:
Read other retellings of classic stories ( )
  karinaw | Aug 11, 2010 |
Personal Response:

This story is a lot of fun. It is a funny text with hilarious pictures. It is has a lot of references to pop culture that adults will probably pick up.

Classroom/Library Use:

This story is a lot fun and would a great read-aloud in a classroom or library setting (it is a bit of a tongue twister at times so make sure you practice first!). I think this would be a great book for kids to try to forshadow what is going to happen and look for clues in the pictures. ( )
  NMkimdykstra | Jul 29, 2010 |
I enjoyed the depictions of the Southwest and the animals that live in the desert. The pop cultural references with a javelina twist were a little much, Frank Swineatra and Hairilyn Monroe. They became tongue twisters and the child I read it to didn't get the references therefore wasn't amused. I did like that she was a dancer and the moral of the story.

I would use this book in curriculum that is talking about the animals that live in the American Southwest. This could spark a conversation about the types of animals the children know to live in the desert and then learn more about them. ( )
  lnpowers | Jun 8, 2010 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Lowell, Susanprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
MacPherson, BruceIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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Josephina, a javelina who dreams of becoming a famous ballerina, heads for California hoping to be discovered, but her cousin Angelina takes her to a talent agent who looks strangely familiar.

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