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New Zealand retirement guide

door Martin Hawes

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Going into retirement is not the January holidays: a few weeks away and then back to normal. This is a major life transition and it's for keeps.Few of us think of retirement as a 20 or 30-year period of our life that will see our wants, needs and finances change. But the reality is that retirement doesn't happen on a single day. It's a transition that takes place over a long period of time.In the New Zealand Retirement Guide, best-selling finance writer Martin Hawes leads New Zealanders through the task of planning for a retirement that will deliver them the best years of their life.By focusing on where you will live, the kind of lifestyle you will have, how much income you will receive and how you could spend it, Hawes provides the key to enjoying a rewarding and stress-free retirement. Practical examples, case studies and helpful links to website resources make this an indispensible guide for anyone thinking about retirement, as well as for retirees wanting to prepare for the next stage of their life.By following Martin Hawes' advice and getting your finances under control, you'll be well on the way to realising your dreams in retirement. … (meer)

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Going into retirement is not the January holidays: a few weeks away and then back to normal. This is a major life transition and it's for keeps.Few of us think of retirement as a 20 or 30-year period of our life that will see our wants, needs and finances change. But the reality is that retirement doesn't happen on a single day. It's a transition that takes place over a long period of time.In the New Zealand Retirement Guide, best-selling finance writer Martin Hawes leads New Zealanders through the task of planning for a retirement that will deliver them the best years of their life.By focusing on where you will live, the kind of lifestyle you will have, how much income you will receive and how you could spend it, Hawes provides the key to enjoying a rewarding and stress-free retirement. Practical examples, case studies and helpful links to website resources make this an indispensible guide for anyone thinking about retirement, as well as for retirees wanting to prepare for the next stage of their life.By following Martin Hawes' advice and getting your finances under control, you'll be well on the way to realising your dreams in retirement. 

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