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Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry

door Brittani Williams

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Welcome to Club Chances, Philly's #1 male exotic strip club, where you can fulfill all your fantasies and desires. Owner/operator Nancy Robinson gained full control of the club when her husband was murdered during a robbery. Now she rules with an iron first, and her toughness is the reason her business has been so successful. Nancy has help from India, her drop-dead gorgeous daughter. Most of the dancers at the club have their eyes on her, but India is only interested in Ricky Johnson. Better known as Mr. Orgasm, Ricky is the reason women line up faithfully every night, waiting to get a glimpse of the phenomenon. India was warned never to mix business with pleasure, but she finds Ricky irresistible. With his smooth chocolate skin and chiseled frame, he is a true work of art. He's also known to break the heart of every woman he dates, but the bad-boy persona is what turns India on. Unfortunately for India, Ricky harbors a deep, dark secret that could ruin her stability, as well as her position at the club. India will soon learn why everyone warned her to keep her distance. This lust-driven relationship will set the stage for an explosive ending that readers will never see coming. In this business, you should always expect the unexpected.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorgeorgebexley, RLNunezKPL, simone20074

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Welcome to Club Chances, Philly's #1 male exotic strip club, where you can fulfill all your fantasies and desires. Owner/operator Nancy Robinson gained full control of the club when her husband was murdered during a robbery. Now she rules with an iron first, and her toughness is the reason her business has been so successful. Nancy has help from India, her drop-dead gorgeous daughter. Most of the dancers at the club have their eyes on her, but India is only interested in Ricky Johnson. Better known as Mr. Orgasm, Ricky is the reason women line up faithfully every night, waiting to get a glimpse of the phenomenon. India was warned never to mix business with pleasure, but she finds Ricky irresistible. With his smooth chocolate skin and chiseled frame, he is a true work of art. He's also known to break the heart of every woman he dates, but the bad-boy persona is what turns India on. Unfortunately for India, Ricky harbors a deep, dark secret that could ruin her stability, as well as her position at the club. India will soon learn why everyone warned her to keep her distance. This lust-driven relationship will set the stage for an explosive ending that readers will never see coming. In this business, you should always expect the unexpected.

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