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Mastering the Art of French Murder: A…
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Mastering the Art of French Murder: A Charming New Parisian Historical Mystery (An American In Paris Mystery) (editie 2024)

door Colleen Cambridge (Auteur)

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25720107,774 (3.59)6
Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:Fans of Jacqueline Winspear, Marie Benedict, Nita Prose, and of course, Julia Child, will adore this magnifique new mystery set in Paris and starring Julia Child's (fictional) best friend, confidante, and fellow American. From the acclaimed author of Murder at Mallowan Hall, this delightful new book provides a fresh perspective on the iconic chef's years in post-WWII Paris.

"Enchanting...Cambridge captures Child's distinct voice and energy so perfectly. Expect to leave this vacation hoping for a return trip." ??Publishers Weekly
As Paris rediscovers its joie de vivre, Tabitha Knight, recently arrived from Detroit for an extended stay with her French grandfather, is on her own journey of discovery. Paris isn't just the City of Light; it's the city of history, romance, stunning architecture . . . and food. Thanks to her neighbor and friend Julia Child, another ex-pat who's fallen head over heels for Paris, Tabitha is learning how to cook for her Grandpère and Oncle Rafe.

Between tutoring Americans in French, visiting the market, and eagerly sampling the results of Julia's studies at Le Cordon Bleu cooking school, Tabitha's sojourn is proving thoroughly delightful. That is, until the cold December day they return to Julia's building and learn that a body has been found in the cellar. Tabitha recognizes the victim as a woman she'd met only the night before, at a party given by Julia's sister, Dort. The murder weapon found nearby is recognizable too??a knife from Julia's kitchen.

Tabitha is eager to help the investigation, but is shocked when Inspector Merveille reveals that a note, in Tabitha's handwriting, was found in the dead woman's pocket. Is this murder a case of international intrigue, or something far more personal? From the shadows of the Tour Eiffel at midnight, to the tiny third-floor Child kitchen, to the grungy streets of Montmartre, Tabitha navigates through the city hoping to find the real killer before she or one of her friends ends up in prison . . . or worse.

"Certain to appeal to a broad readership, especially fans of Jacqueline Winspear, Rhys Bowen, and Cambridge's own Phyllida Bright series." ??First Clue, STARRED
… (meer)
Titel:Mastering the Art of French Murder: A Charming New Parisian Historical Mystery (An American In Paris Mystery)
Auteurs:Colleen Cambridge (Auteur)
Info:Kensington (2024), Edition: Reprint, 272 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Mastering the Art of French Murder door Colleen Cambridge

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Tabitha Knight is a young American ex-pat living with her grandfather and Uncle in Paris. Their neighbor, Julia Child, is teaching Tabitha to cook. The two discover a body in the basement of Julia's building and Tabitha recognizing the woman as someone who was in Julia's apartment the previous night with a group from the theater Dort manages. The discovery of Julia's knife indicates the killer was one of the after show party attendees. And, Tabitha's name and contact info is found on the body putting the two of them in the middle of the investigation.

As Tabitha gives in to her curiosity, she finds herself in growing danger when a car runs her off the road. As she continues to help at the theater more clues emerge if she can remain alive long enough to explain them the the police inspector investigating the murder.

The concept and time frame are effective, but the writing and dialog is a bit clunky at points. ( )
  4leschats | Jun 13, 2024 |
I really didn't expect to enjoy this book since I mostly only listened to it because it was available. I found myself looking forward to listening to it, though. ( )
  BoundTogetherForGood | Feb 22, 2024 |
This is a great start to a new series! Tabitha is happily living in Paris with her grandfather and "uncle". She has also made friends with Julia Child, and Julia includes Tabitha while she cooks meals. Tabs's gentlemen love that, as Tabs is not a great cook. After a party at Julia's, theatre friends invited by Julia's sister, Dort, a dead body is found. Tabs makes it her mission to investigate, although the inspector repeatedly warns against it. Everyone at the theatre is a suspect. Due to the coat check girl's death, Tabs fills in. Handsome doctor, Mark, helps her some nights. But there are additional murders, and even Tabs is in danger.
This is a new mystery series with enough clues to help you decipher the mystery. I also liked the humor! ( )
  rmarcin | Aug 26, 2023 |
Tabitha Knight has recently arrived from Detroit to stay with her French grandfather in Paris. Between tutoring Americans in French, visiting the market, and eagerly sampling the results of her new friend Julia Child’s studies at Le Cordon Bleu cooking school, Tabitha has been enjoying her new life. When the body of a woman Tabitha just met is found, she becomes determined to keep herself and her friends free of suspicion.

This was my first time ‘reading’ this author. The 1950’s is not usually a time period I read, but the description of this book caught my attention. The narrator and author caught the high energy of Julia Child, though I will admit I found the constant food references a little tedious. Tabitha herself was an interesting main character.

The plot was interesting, though I did guess the ending early on. I did think the motivation for Tabitha to investigate herself was a little weak. Inspector Merveille was a character I would have liked to know more about. Hopefully, in future books, the reader will learn more about him.

My one criticism was that the constant “everything is better in Paris than in America” was tedious. Otherwise, the pacing was great and the details were delightful.

Readers who enjoy mysteries and fiction set in the 1950’s will no doubt enjoy this one. I received a free copy through NetGalley and all opinions expressed are my own. ( )
  TheQuietReader | Aug 25, 2023 |
1949. Paris, France.

Tabitha Knight is enjoying her extended visit with Maurice Saint-Léger and Rafe Fautrier. Luckily for the young woman, her dearly loved grandfather and honorary uncle, their neighbors are Paul and Julia Child. Julia not only wants to share the results of her studies at Le Cordon Bleu with her neighbors, but she is also determined to teach Tabitha the preparation of delectable food. Daily life is interrupted as an investigation of a woman's death in their apartment building leads Inspector Merveille to Julia's kitchen and not for food tasting.

I loved every feature of this historical mystery! The novel captures the period highlighting Paul and Julia Child's residence in Paris with historical events. It is a culinary delight of historical tribute to Julia Child discovering her joy of cooking and is a delectable treat from market excursions to item selections to meal preparations. The story immerses the reader's imagination in what it might have been like to be Paul and Julia Child's neighbors enjoying daily life in friendship. Whether in their apartments or together, each meal was relished with good food and conversation. The mystery of the investigation against the backdrop of the local theater had twists and turns, building suspense and red herrings. Although I guessed the perpetrator, I didn't have the motive missing the earlier clue, so I felt caught in the web.

As a chef prepares a menu with care and creativity, so has the author created her masterpiece worthy of the highest star Michelin star equivalent for writers. I wish I had more than 5 stars to award as a book reviewer.

I encourage readers to enjoy the author's Historical Note at the novel's end.

The author published this novel using a pen name. The author published this novel using a pen name. I'm sharing the link to the author's website so you can investigate names used for her writing in multiple genres too!

A special thanks to Author, Debra Borchert and Le Vin Press. At the end of "Her Own Revolution," there was a link to Parisian Page Turners with the feature of the "Current Page Turner…" leading me to add "Mastering the Art of French Murder" to my tbr list. I am pleased to recommend the novel to all who love Paris and will be captivated by "Americans in Paris." I eagerly await more of this series. ( )
  FerneMysteryReader | Jul 15, 2023 |
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Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:Fans of Jacqueline Winspear, Marie Benedict, Nita Prose, and of course, Julia Child, will adore this magnifique new mystery set in Paris and starring Julia Child's (fictional) best friend, confidante, and fellow American. From the acclaimed author of Murder at Mallowan Hall, this delightful new book provides a fresh perspective on the iconic chef's years in post-WWII Paris.

"Enchanting...Cambridge captures Child's distinct voice and energy so perfectly. Expect to leave this vacation hoping for a return trip." ??Publishers Weekly
As Paris rediscovers its joie de vivre, Tabitha Knight, recently arrived from Detroit for an extended stay with her French grandfather, is on her own journey of discovery. Paris isn't just the City of Light; it's the city of history, romance, stunning architecture . . . and food. Thanks to her neighbor and friend Julia Child, another ex-pat who's fallen head over heels for Paris, Tabitha is learning how to cook for her Grandpère and Oncle Rafe.

Between tutoring Americans in French, visiting the market, and eagerly sampling the results of Julia's studies at Le Cordon Bleu cooking school, Tabitha's sojourn is proving thoroughly delightful. That is, until the cold December day they return to Julia's building and learn that a body has been found in the cellar. Tabitha recognizes the victim as a woman she'd met only the night before, at a party given by Julia's sister, Dort. The murder weapon found nearby is recognizable too??a knife from Julia's kitchen.

Tabitha is eager to help the investigation, but is shocked when Inspector Merveille reveals that a note, in Tabitha's handwriting, was found in the dead woman's pocket. Is this murder a case of international intrigue, or something far more personal? From the shadows of the Tour Eiffel at midnight, to the tiny third-floor Child kitchen, to the grungy streets of Montmartre, Tabitha navigates through the city hoping to find the real killer before she or one of her friends ends up in prison . . . or worse.

"Certain to appeal to a broad readership, especially fans of Jacqueline Winspear, Rhys Bowen, and Cambridge's own Phyllida Bright series." ??First Clue, STARRED

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