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James Lake: The Bigfoot Adventures door Neil…
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James Lake: The Bigfoot Adventures (editie 2022)

door Neil F. Wilson (Auteur)

Reeksen: James Lake (1-2)

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This omnibus edition contains revised second editions of both books in the James Lake bigfoot adventure series.James Lake is a typical twelve-year-old kid-that is if you count debunking myths like the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus as being typical. However, after he and his family move from Florida to Washington, James is thrown into social chaos and finds himself hunting Bigfoot while trying to dodge the school bullies and keeping himself off the endangered species list. Will James debunk the legend of Bigfoot, or will he find that some myths are not so easily dismissed? Join James and all the strange and interesting people he meets on his adventures.You'll never think of Bigfoot the same way again.… (meer)
Titel:James Lake: The Bigfoot Adventures
Auteurs:Neil F. Wilson (Auteur)
Info:Mirror Gate Press (2022), Edition: 1, 569 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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James Lake: The Bigfoot Adventures door Neil F. Wilson

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Hiii! This book was phenomenal! I had gotten this book just for me at first but then my brother decided to read it and loved it!! The relationship between James and Rufus is absolutely amazing. I think everyone should have a friendship like theirs! Both stories gave such an Adeline especially after reading the first, "Bigfoot File," which gave a background story and action, going into the second book was a breeze. Nearing the end of the second book just left us wanting to read more! I really hope this "funk" that James is in never ends!
  RachelCher | Feb 3, 2023 |
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James had only lived in one place. All twelve years of his life in the same state,
in the same city, on the same street, in the same house.
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This omnibus edition contains revised second editions of both books in the James Lake bigfoot adventure series.James Lake is a typical twelve-year-old kid-that is if you count debunking myths like the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus as being typical. However, after he and his family move from Florida to Washington, James is thrown into social chaos and finds himself hunting Bigfoot while trying to dodge the school bullies and keeping himself off the endangered species list. Will James debunk the legend of Bigfoot, or will he find that some myths are not so easily dismissed? Join James and all the strange and interesting people he meets on his adventures.You'll never think of Bigfoot the same way again.

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