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A Man Lay Dead door Ngaio Marsh
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A Man Lay Dead (origineel 1934; editie 2016)

door Ngaio Marsh (Auteur)

Reeksen: Roderick Alleyn (1)

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1,4285313,515 (3.45)122
Crime comes to a country house: "Any Ngaio Marsh story is certain to be Grade A, and this one is no exception." --The New York Times This classic from the Golden Age of British mystery opens during a country-house party between the two world wars--servants bustling, gin flowing, the gentlemen in dinner jackets, the ladies all slink and smolder. Even more delicious: The host, Sir Hubert Handesley, has invented a new and especially exciting version of that beloved parlor entertainment, The Murder Game . . . "It's time to start comparing Christie to Marsh instead of the other way around." --New York Magazine "A peerless practitioner of the slightly surreal, English-village comedy-mystery." --Kirkus Reviews… (meer)
Titel:A Man Lay Dead
Auteurs:Ngaio Marsh (Auteur)
Info:Little, Brown Audio (2016)

Informatie over het werk

Het noodlottige spel. door Ngaio Marsh (1934)

  1. 10
    Hamlet, Revenge! door Michael Innes (themulhern)
    themulhern: A much superior country house murder, with an obligatory romance, a murder within a play (rather than a game), and a detective who lives in London. Published just a few years later (1937) when war was definitely in the air.
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Engels (50)  Frans (1)  Italiaans (1)  Deens (1)  Alle talen (53)
1-5 van 53 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
this was fun, a nice look back at how mysteries used to be written. there isn't a lot of character development - although alleyn, the detective, is a joy as he gets impatient and snappish with people sometimes. the narrative isn't like what we'd find in most books today but it's just a pure mystery, where the clues and the facts are laid out before you, recapped by the inspector and the witnesses, with things added and changed until the final reveal. the method is pretty unusual and maybe a little too ridiculous but still this was fun and i definitely enjoyed my first ngaio marsh.

an example of the fun flippant attitude in much of the writing: "She was extremely white and had about her the pathetic dignity of the very young when they meet disaster with fortitude." ( )
  overlycriticalelisa | Jul 12, 2024 |
Cozy Golden Age mystery, set in a country house party. The guests and host engage in the parlor game of "Murder." One of them is secretly chosen as the murderer. A pretend crime will be committed and investigated. However, the murder is very real, and Scotland Yard's Inspector Roderick Alleyn arrives to investigate.

Nice setting and adequate characterization of the suspects, but in terms of mystery plotting this can't compete with Agatha Christie. We don't follow the investigation that closely, as if that weren't the main interest of the writer, and the plot meanders into the nonsensical with a side-plot about Russian criminal brotherhoods. It also seems a bit strange that a police detective would use some of the suspects as his helpers, no matter how much he has discarded them as potential murderers. ( )
  jcm790 | May 26, 2024 |
A weekend party at an English county house and a murder occurs. Who would have guessed? ( )
  drthubbie | Apr 22, 2024 |
The solution to the murder is just really unbelievable. It even gives a specific timeframe that's so ridiculously short plus relies on a bunch of people not noticing a bunch of things. At the end they even admit there's very little to pin it down on the murderer. The secret society subplot is goofy and doesn't make any sense either. Oh and there's a romance subplot too which is totally unconvincing and pointless but then they always are in mystery novels. There were a few sections which I had to read multiple times to understand because they were pointlessly complicated.

Overall the writing is serviceable and I read through like yeah sure whatever this is fine so maybe 2 stars but I'm rating 1 cause mystery novels hang together on a convincing conclusion and I didn't see it at all. Nothing else about it is interesting enough for me to care - no funny dialogue, no stand out characters. So yeah.

Oh also it uses the n word once. And what universe is it that someone can *remove another person's trousers* in the middle of a normal social get together and everyone just acts totally casual about it? This bullying is even given as a motive for murder later but when it happens I had to read a few times to be like what??? why

Some of the inconsistencies

What's with the whole secret society? They're a Russian one but 2 of the key figures are a Pole (who they murder) and someone who only speak English and Swedish. Why are they a communist society if they're centuries old? Why did the Pole give the knife to the victim in the first place? Oh and the Pole is referred to as speaking Russian and not Polish - why is he called a Pole?? How did the society even find out the Pole had given away the knife? When the society all get arrested, why did Alleyn come through the chimney when all the other police apparently got in fine at the same time by just walking in? I think he was hidden the whole time? I guess? Which is uh. Sounds very uncomfortable. What were the secret society even doing? They were arrested for sedition and treason but they didn't seem to do anything except murder each other. They're a big red herring subplot but none of their actions really make sense.

With the murder, the murderer is specifically allotted *exactly 8 seconds* to get from the bathroom to downstairs, do the murder and turn the lights off. His method relies on the victim being in *exactly* the right place to get stabbed (he could never have turned around, he couldn't have moved away from the stairs). In those 8 seconds, after apparently sliding down a banister, he got the knife in EXACTLY the right spot between bones that was considered so impressive that the murderer needed to know anatomy well. His alibi was 2 people thinking he was in the bath but as well as those 8 seconds he also got out the bath to get a glove from his wife's dressing room. That would take some time. Surely someone would have noticed the splashing had stopped? Bath noises are actually pretty distinctive - you can usually tell when someone's getting out. And there's door noises, footsteps too. In fact, the servant who comes into give Nigel shaving water would surely have seen him on the landing? The timescale is even less than the 8 seconds allotted and it seems extremely unlikely. He'd also have dripped water EVERYWHERE! I can't believe nobody noticed. (Realised iirc he actually wasn't in the bath. He was just pretending to me. Even then splashing about would get you wet and you'd drip. And the noises are noticeably different when you're not in with your whole body. Ah well) The attempts in the scene before the murder to make it work just... don't. He also decided to do this plan even though he only had a single glove - he tried to avoid leaving prints but completely failed. Surely his wife would have thought "oh I'm sure I put those gloves in the drawer" too and realised something was up - but she doesn't; Alleyn actually misleads here by claiming he found one in the hall so the wife doesn't question it.

When Alleyn does a totally pointless "reconstruction" (he asks Nigel to play the murderer and then goes off at him when he shows a slight hesitancy... before asking the person he knows to be the murderer to do it... and him doing it was essential to his terrible plan... so why attack Nigel??)
the murderer is in no way revealed except for Alleyn accusing him and him saying "damn you".
Which he didn't need to do and would hardly hold up in court.

Also the motive of "oh he was mad at the victim for flirting with his wife" seems kind of weird given he never even attempted to stop it in any way at all and apparently let it go on for years and years. The victim seems like an utter prick by the way. Can't pretend I felt any sympathy towards him.

There's probably more but just. blurgh. Bad. Maybe also I'm stupid! I don't know
( )
  tombomp | Oct 31, 2023 |
At Sir Hubert Handesley's country house party, five guests have gathered for the uproarious parlor game of "Murder." Yet no one is laughing when the lights come up on an actual corpse, the good-looking and mysterious Charles Rankin. Scotland Yard's Inspector Roderick Alleyn arrives to find a complete collection of alibis, a missing butler, and an intricate puzzle of betrayal and sedition in the search for the key player in this deadly game

Cant believe I've read so many Alleyn books, but have taken this long to get to read #1.

This book starts with Nigel Bathgate, junior reporter and ongoing stalwart of the series, being invited to a country house weekend with his cousin. There he meets Angela, and a number of other characters, and during a game of "murders" finds his cousin murdered with a knife in his back.

Alleyn arrives to investigate, still young and an Inspector (somehow morphing into the better known CHIEF inspector near the end of the book. The other usual cast - such as Fox - dont make it into this first novel. There is a little diversion (Maguffin) over the Russian community in London, which allows for the dagger to be used in the murder.

Alleyn is a little moodier than in later novels, still being young and possibly not fleshed out as in later novels. Not sure I would have continued with the series had I come across this book first. ( )
  nordie | Oct 14, 2023 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (3 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Marsh, Ngaioprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Saxon, JamesVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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For My Father and in memory of My Mother
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Nigel Bathgate, in the language of his own gossip column, was "definitely intrigued" about his week-end at Frantock.
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Alleyn asked for an adjournment; the whole affair ended, leaving the onlookers with a sense of having been served with treason when they ordered murder.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (2)

Crime comes to a country house: "Any Ngaio Marsh story is certain to be Grade A, and this one is no exception." --The New York Times This classic from the Golden Age of British mystery opens during a country-house party between the two world wars--servants bustling, gin flowing, the gentlemen in dinner jackets, the ladies all slink and smolder. Even more delicious: The host, Sir Hubert Handesley, has invented a new and especially exciting version of that beloved parlor entertainment, The Murder Game . . . "It's time to start comparing Christie to Marsh instead of the other way around." --New York Magazine "A peerless practitioner of the slightly surreal, English-village comedy-mystery." --Kirkus Reviews

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Gemiddelde: (3.45)
1 6
1.5 3
2 28
2.5 16
3 116
3.5 39
4 136
4.5 5
5 30

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