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Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want (Strategyzer)

door Alexander Osterwalder

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445558,276 (4.3)Geen
Het ontwikkelen van producten en diensten die klanten ook echt willen begint met het ontwerpen van krachtige waardeproposities. De belangrijkste tool hiervoor is het Waardepropositie Canvas. Dit canvas maakt waardeproposities zichtbaar en tastbaar, waardoor het gemakkelijker wordt ze te bespreken, te managen én door te ontwikkelen.… (meer)
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My daughter gave this to me as a Birthday present (one of the books I'd suggested to her as possible presents). She has a background as a McKinsey consultant and I detected a note of reticence with the gift-giving. I suspect that she thought it lacked something. Now that I've read it I can kind-of see what she might have been thinking. This is a modestly large book devoted to a particular methodology that the authors have developed (or adopted parts of it from other work). The methodology is really about bringing some new product of procedure into a business in such a way that it is liable to be successful.....that is, provide value for the customer and create value for your business. Really, there are many similar models in circulation; there is not just ONE way of doing this but this methodology looks reasonable to me and can be applied fairly consistently across an organisation and with different products and services. So it's flexible. Basically, they have two elements that are re-used throughout: One the one side is the customer template with; pain relievers; gain creators and the product or service (value proposition). And on the other side is the Customer profile with: the jobs the customers are trying to get done; the pains or bad outcomes the customer currently has; and the gains that customers want to achieve. So you are trying to deliver an appropriate pain reliever to reduce the customer's pains, for example.
Pretty simple but they manage to apply this template over and over different segments of customers, to use it as a refining tool when something doesn't work, etc., etc. I remain mildly impressed. But I was impressed with the design and artwork and presentation of the book. They have done it well. The layout is simple, easy to read and very logical in the way it flows. (Maybe a bit longer than it needs to be....maybe a bit repetitive). And I found myself wondering; "who, in a fast moving business world, is actually going to methodically carry out all these steps?" Probably's just too long and too convoluted. But the principles are all there and some of the steps could be taken very rapidly. In fact, the authors are at pains to point out that one should do a lot of cheap, rapid, testing before committing to anything that is going to use a lot of resources and prove costly if it fails. So full marks for that.
I'm happy to recommend it as a useful methodology that could readily be adopted by a wide range of organisations...not just those seeking to make a profit. Four Stars from me. ( )
  booktsunami | Oct 17, 2021 |
An Excellent book, I'd recommend to Inventors, Engineers who are interested in Products Business.
I took away key categories and learning about customers better.

Deus Vult,
Gottfried ( )
  gottfried_leibniz | Jun 25, 2021 |
Use in conjunction with the Sprint Book. Great exercises to use with your teams. ( )
  donbarger | Mar 27, 2020 |
This is absolutely a must read for those starting their first business. The book is full of practical tools meant to equip the reader for success in whatever industry they choose.

I believe that the book’s introduction to validated learning, or better yet the exposure to the mindset of it all, can aid in shifting perspective from a fantasy adventure to more of a mission based approach to entrepreneurship.

Bottomline? If you want to and invent and improve value propositions this is the book to get.

Want to find out more? My entire review is posted here: ( )
  Lucas_Carlson | Jul 30, 2019 |
Desde Leader Summaries recomendamos la lectura del libro Diseñando la propuesta de valor, de Alexander Osterwalder e Yves Pigneur.
Las personas interesadas en las siguientes temáticas lo encontrarán práctico y útil: liderazgo, estrategia y modelos de negocio.
En el siguiente enlace tienes el resumen del libro Diseñando la propuesta de valor, Cómo crear los productos y servicios que tus clientes están esperando: Diseñando la propuesta de valor ( )
  LeaderSummaries | May 12, 2015 |
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Het ontwikkelen van producten en diensten die klanten ook echt willen begint met het ontwerpen van krachtige waardeproposities. De belangrijkste tool hiervoor is het Waardepropositie Canvas. Dit canvas maakt waardeproposities zichtbaar en tastbaar, waardoor het gemakkelijker wordt ze te bespreken, te managen én door te ontwikkelen.

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