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Shut Up and Write the Book: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your Novel from Plan to Print

door Jenna Moreci

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Writing a book can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be.Are you struggling to finish, or even start your novel? Are you overwhelmed by the many steps in the writing process, drowning in endless drafts, or creatively blocked?Shut Up and Write the Book is a step-by-step guide to crafting a novel from your first spark of an idea to the final edit. Whether you're brand new to writing or wanting to hone your skills, this action plan provides straightforward advice while demystifying the art of storytelling.In Shut Up and Write the Book, you'll learn: - Ways to select an exciting, marketable concept that incites your passion and intrigues readers- Techniques for creating multi-dimensional characters your audience will love (or love to hate)- How to navigate the dreaded first draft with confidence- Tips for writing an impactful first chapter that hooks readers- The key to eliminating sagging middle syndrome so your story is engaging from start to finish- The best way to craft a plot twist that wows your audience- How to write a climax that takes your story to a new, thrilling level- And much moreEnjoy bestselling author Jenna Moreci's no-nonsense guidance and saucy sarcasm as she walks you through every step of the writing process. If you want to finally hunker down and finish your novel, read Shut Up and Write the Book today.… (meer)
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Writing a book can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be.Are you struggling to finish, or even start your novel? Are you overwhelmed by the many steps in the writing process, drowning in endless drafts, or creatively blocked?Shut Up and Write the Book is a step-by-step guide to crafting a novel from your first spark of an idea to the final edit. Whether you're brand new to writing or wanting to hone your skills, this action plan provides straightforward advice while demystifying the art of storytelling.In Shut Up and Write the Book, you'll learn: - Ways to select an exciting, marketable concept that incites your passion and intrigues readers- Techniques for creating multi-dimensional characters your audience will love (or love to hate)- How to navigate the dreaded first draft with confidence- Tips for writing an impactful first chapter that hooks readers- The key to eliminating sagging middle syndrome so your story is engaging from start to finish- The best way to craft a plot twist that wows your audience- How to write a climax that takes your story to a new, thrilling level- And much moreEnjoy bestselling author Jenna Moreci's no-nonsense guidance and saucy sarcasm as she walks you through every step of the writing process. If you want to finally hunker down and finish your novel, read Shut Up and Write the Book today.

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Jenna Moreci is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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