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Oorlogswinter [dvd] (2008)

door Martin Koolhoven

Andere auteurs: Mieke de Jong (Screenwriter), Paul Jan Nelissen (Screenwriter)

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War time story about a boy in the Netherlands during WW2. (fonte: Imdb)
  MemorialeSardoShoah | Feb 4, 2023 |
The film is about a teenage Dutch boy, named Michiel van Beusekom, who tries to assist the Dutch resistance during World War II by helping a British airman stay out of German hands during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

Michiel feels resentment towards his father, the mayor, who is seemingly only interested in maintaining the status quo between the town and the German Army. However, Michiel worships his Uncle Ben, an adventurer in contact with the local resistance. During the winter of 1944–1945, Michiel's loyalties are tested.

An RAF de Havilland Mosquito is hit in the air and crashes, but before it hits the ground, a young British airman is able to escape by parachute.

One of the villagers, Dirk (the elder brother of Michiel's best friend), helps the airman, Jack, but Dirk is later arrested. Before his arrest, Dirk gives Michiel a letter to be delivered to Bertus, the village blacksmith. Before Michiel can deliver the letter, Bertus is shot and killed by the Germans.

Michiel opens the letter, which directs him to Jack's hiding place in the forest. Jack is injured, and Michiel enlists the aid of his sister Erica, a nurse, to take care of him. Jack and Erica soon develop a romantic relationship.

Michiel's father is arrested when the body of a German soldier, killed by Jack on the night of the plane crash, is found in the forest. Jack wants to turn himself in to save Michiel's father, but Ben tells Michiel he (Ben) can save his father. However, Ben's efforts fail, and Michiel's father is shot by the Germans along with two other men as reprisal for the death of the soldier killed by Jack.

Michiel tries to take Jack to meet his contact in the town of Zwolle, across the River IJssel, but the Germans foil their attempt, and the two narrowly escape after a horseback chase through the forest. Michiel finally turns to his Uncle Ben for help in getting Jack to Zwolle. Ben agrees, and goes to have a smoke with Jack, who is now hiding in a shed at the bottom of their garden. The next morning, Michiel goes to the shed to check on Jack, but he is not there. He finds him in Erica's room, in bed with his sister. After this, Ben, Jack, and Erica set off for the bridge to Zwolle. As they leave, Ben tells Michiel that Dirk should never have gotten Michiel involved with Jack. After they go, Michiel realizes that he had never mentioned Dirk's role to Ben. Quickly checking Ben's suitcase, he finds papers showing that Ben is working for the Germans.

Rushing to the river, Michiel stops the trio, grabs Jack's pistol, and confronts Ben. While Michiel guards Ben, Jack and Erica succeed in making it across the river to Zwolle. Ben tells Michiel that he had arranged for his father to be released, but that his father refused to let another villager be shot in his place. Ben attempts to escape to a passing German patrol, but Michiel shoots and kills him.

A few months later, Allied soldiers enter the village and are rapturously welcomed by the villagers. One of the soldiers brings a letter for Erica, presumably from Jack. Michiel hesitates to join in the celebrations after all that has happened, but finally joins in. (fonte: Wikipedia)
  MemorialeSardoShoah | Mar 13, 2022 |
Verso la fine della seconda guerra mondiale, Michiel, 14 anni, viene coinvolto nella Resistenza dopo essere venuto in aiuto a un soldato britannico ferito. Con la fine del conflitto, Michiel diventa maggiorenne e scopre la netta differenza tra la fantasia avventurosa e le brutte realtà della guerra.
  MemorialSardoShoahDL | Feb 24, 2018 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Martin Koolhovenprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
de Jong, MiekeScreenwriterSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Nelissen, Paul JanScreenwriterSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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