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Suzuki Cello School : Cello Part, Volume 5

door Alfred Music

Reeksen: Suzuki Cello School (5)

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Teach cello with the popular Suzuki Cello School. The Suzuki Method(R) of Talent Education is based on Shinichi Suzuki's view that every child is born with ability, and that people are the product of their environment. According to Shinichi Suzuki, a world-renowned violinist and teacher, the greatest joy an adult can know comes from developing a child's potential so he/she can express all that is harmonious and best in human beings. Students are taught using the "mother-tongue" approach. Each series of books for a particular instrument in the Suzuki Method is considered a Suzuki music school, such as the Suzuki Cello School. Suzuki lessons are generally given in a private studio setting with additional group lessons. The student listens to the recordings and works with their Suzuki cello teacher to develop their potential as a musician and as a person. This Suzuki Book & CD is integral for Suzuki cello lessons. The CD features recordings by Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, accompanied by Seizo Azuma, including piano accompaniments recorded with the cello part as well as piano accompaniments recorded alone. Titles: Sonata in E Minor, Op. 14, No. 5 (Largo, Allegro, Largo, Allegro) (Vivaldi) * Danse Rustique, Op. 20, No. 5 (Squire) * Arioso from Cantata 156 (Bach) * Rondo from Concerto No. 4, Op. 65 (Goltermann).… (meer)
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Teach cello with the popular Suzuki Cello School. The Suzuki Method(R) of Talent Education is based on Shinichi Suzuki's view that every child is born with ability, and that people are the product of their environment. According to Shinichi Suzuki, a world-renowned violinist and teacher, the greatest joy an adult can know comes from developing a child's potential so he/she can express all that is harmonious and best in human beings. Students are taught using the "mother-tongue" approach. Each series of books for a particular instrument in the Suzuki Method is considered a Suzuki music school, such as the Suzuki Cello School. Suzuki lessons are generally given in a private studio setting with additional group lessons. The student listens to the recordings and works with their Suzuki cello teacher to develop their potential as a musician and as a person. This Suzuki Book & CD is integral for Suzuki cello lessons. The CD features recordings by Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, accompanied by Seizo Azuma, including piano accompaniments recorded with the cello part as well as piano accompaniments recorded alone. Titles: Sonata in E Minor, Op. 14, No. 5 (Largo, Allegro, Largo, Allegro) (Vivaldi) * Danse Rustique, Op. 20, No. 5 (Squire) * Arioso from Cantata 156 (Bach) * Rondo from Concerto No. 4, Op. 65 (Goltermann).

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