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Forever Christmas (The Gilbert Girls, #5)

door Cat Cahill

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A lonely cowboy. A young widow. A Christmas to remember. Elizabeth Hartley Campbell arrives at the Crest Stone Hotel, widowed and searching for the brother she hasn't seen in seven years. Distraught to learn he's left, she takes a job as a Gilbert Girl at the hotel's restaurant. She quickly befriends the other girls and finds comfort in helping the hotel prepare for Christmas-until a wayward cowboy wanders in from the snow and sits at her lunch counter. Landon Cooper didn't mean to stop at the hotel, and he certainly didn't intend to stay longer than one night. After all, a job that will pay him more money than he could ever make as a ranch hand awaits him in Canon City-if he can stomach the thought of turning outlaw. But it's hard to think straight when Elizabeth is nearby, and he finds himself hanging pine boughs and lugging a tree through the snow for her instead of riding away. Even though Elizabeth fears falling for another cowboy and Landon knows she won't forgive him if she k...… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorcalnorth, TLL6830
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A lonely cowboy. A young widow. A Christmas to remember. Elizabeth Hartley Campbell arrives at the Crest Stone Hotel, widowed and searching for the brother she hasn't seen in seven years. Distraught to learn he's left, she takes a job as a Gilbert Girl at the hotel's restaurant. She quickly befriends the other girls and finds comfort in helping the hotel prepare for Christmas-until a wayward cowboy wanders in from the snow and sits at her lunch counter. Landon Cooper didn't mean to stop at the hotel, and he certainly didn't intend to stay longer than one night. After all, a job that will pay him more money than he could ever make as a ranch hand awaits him in Canon City-if he can stomach the thought of turning outlaw. But it's hard to think straight when Elizabeth is nearby, and he finds himself hanging pine boughs and lugging a tree through the snow for her instead of riding away. Even though Elizabeth fears falling for another cowboy and Landon knows she won't forgive him if she k...

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