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My Dark Romeo: Digitally Signed Edition…
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My Dark Romeo: Digitally Signed Edition (Extremely Limited Print) (editie 2023)

door Parker S. Huntington (Auteur), L. J. Shen (Auteur)

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298492,293 (3.75)Geen
"My fairy tale turned into a cautionary one. Inked in tar and sealed in tears. It was supposed to be a harmless kiss at a lavish debutante ball. A clandestine moment with a handsome stranger. But unlike his namesake, my Romeo isn't driven by love. He's fueled by revenge. To him, I'm a chess piece. Leverage. His rival's betrothed. To me, he is a man deserving of poison. A dark prince I refuse to marry. He thinks I'll accept my fate. Well, I plan to rewrite it. And in my story, Juliet doesn't die. But Romeo? He perishes"--Amazon website.… (meer)
Titel:My Dark Romeo: Digitally Signed Edition (Extremely Limited Print)
Auteurs:Parker S. Huntington (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:L. J. Shen (Auteur)
Info:PSH Publishing (2023), Edition: Limited Special Edition, 296 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

My Dark Romeo: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Dark Prince Road) door Parker S. Huntington

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Toon 4 van 4
Mmmmmm ( )
  3starzard | Jul 21, 2024 |
This book was okay, I enjoyed reading it. However, these characters were not my favorite. I wanted Romeo to get his act together a lot faster and felt myself getting frustrated with their relationship. I tend to turn to these books as a “fun” read, and I wasn’t able to engross myself in the book like I normally would. ( )
  ArleighS | Sep 15, 2023 |
Just not good writing ( )
  dsterl22 | Sep 3, 2023 |
After being caught together at a party, Dallas's reputation is ruined, so she must marry Romeo, the man who ruined her. Dallas is only part of Romeo's plan to bring down a rival's family business as well as his own father's company, but she proves feisty and irresistible. While things in Romeo's past make it impossible for him to love Dallas, he does admire the way she fights him at every turn, but no matter what, he is never going to give into her desire to have a baby.

I have mixed feelings about My Dark Romeo. While the novel is extremely flawed, it somehow intrigued me enough to want to read it right to the very end. Almost all of the characters are unlikable, especially the protagonists, and many of their actions are wildly inappropriate, but there is a certain fascination with them that I can't ignore. In addition, the pacing of the story is off with much of Romeo's story delivered in a monologue near the end of the book, after which he is suddenly supposed to be likable. Also there are some consent issues in this book, that at times make the reading uncomfortable and a suspense plot that comes totally out of the blue near the end of the book. Overall, My Dark Romeo is a problematic romance that still manages to be fascinating. ( )
  ftbooklover | Apr 13, 2023 |
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"My fairy tale turned into a cautionary one. Inked in tar and sealed in tears. It was supposed to be a harmless kiss at a lavish debutante ball. A clandestine moment with a handsome stranger. But unlike his namesake, my Romeo isn't driven by love. He's fueled by revenge. To him, I'm a chess piece. Leverage. His rival's betrothed. To me, he is a man deserving of poison. A dark prince I refuse to marry. He thinks I'll accept my fate. Well, I plan to rewrite it. And in my story, Juliet doesn't die. But Romeo? He perishes"--Amazon website.

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