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Yamaha Outboard, Volume 3, V4 & V6, 1984 - 1991 (Except 250 hp 1989 - 1991) Tune-up and Repair Manual: Includes Jet Drive, Counterrotating Drive (Seloc Marine Manuals)

door Joan Coles

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SELOC Marine maintenance and repair manuals offer the most comprehensive, authoritative information available for outboard, inboard, stern-drive and diesel engines, as well as personal watercraft. SELOC has been the leading source of how-to information for the marine industry since 1974. Designed and written to serve the needs of the professional mechanic, do-it-yourself boat enthusiast, instructor and student, these manuals are based on actual teardowns done by Chilton Marine's editors/authors in our on-site facility. Providing complete coverage on everything from basic maintenance to engine overhaul, every manual features: -Simple-to-follow, step-by-step, illustrated procedures -Hundreds of exploded drawings, photographs and tables -Troubleshooting sections, accurate specifications and wiring diagrams -Recognized and used by technical trade schools as well as the U.S. military Covers all 115-225 Hp, V4 and V6, 2-stroke models. Also includes advanced oil injection and counter-rotating drive. Nearly 750 illustrations… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorRLNunezKPL

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SELOC Marine maintenance and repair manuals offer the most comprehensive, authoritative information available for outboard, inboard, stern-drive and diesel engines, as well as personal watercraft. SELOC has been the leading source of how-to information for the marine industry since 1974. Designed and written to serve the needs of the professional mechanic, do-it-yourself boat enthusiast, instructor and student, these manuals are based on actual teardowns done by Chilton Marine's editors/authors in our on-site facility. Providing complete coverage on everything from basic maintenance to engine overhaul, every manual features: -Simple-to-follow, step-by-step, illustrated procedures -Hundreds of exploded drawings, photographs and tables -Troubleshooting sections, accurate specifications and wiring diagrams -Recognized and used by technical trade schools as well as the U.S. military Covers all 115-225 Hp, V4 and V6, 2-stroke models. Also includes advanced oil injection and counter-rotating drive. Nearly 750 illustrations

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