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How Westminster Works...and Why It…
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How Westminster Works...and Why It Doesn't (editie 2023)

door Ian Dunt (Auteur), Ian Dunt (Verteller), Weidenfeld & Nicolson (Publisher)

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831334,399 (4.23)Geen
British politics is broken. Anyone sitting down to watch the news will get the sense that something has gone terribly wrong. We have prime ministers who detonate the economy, secretaries of state who are intellectually incapable of doing the job and MPs who seem temperamentally unsuited to the role. Expertise is denigrated. Lies are rewarded. And deep-seated, long-lasting national problems go permanently unresolved. Most of us have a sense that the system doesn't work, but we struggle to articulate exactly why. Our political and financial system is cloaked in secrecy, archaic terminology, ancient custom and impenetrable technical jargon. Lifting the lid on British politics, How Westminster Works . . . and Why It Doesn't exposes every aspect of the system in a way that can be understood and challenged, from the heights of Downing Street to the depths of the nation's newsrooms, from the hallways of the civil service to the green benches of the Commons. Based on interviews with some of the leading voices in politics, from former occupants of No.10 to key figures in Whitehall, Westminster and Fleet Street, Ian Dunt provides exactly what people in power have always tried to avoid: a full description of the mechanisms of British government. And a vision of how we can fix it.… (meer)
Titel:How Westminster Works...and Why It Doesn't
Auteurs:Ian Dunt (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Ian Dunt (Verteller), Weidenfeld & Nicolson (Publisher)
Info:Weidenfeld & Nicolson (2023)
Verzamelingen:LIBRARY - Shelf 11, Jouw bibliotheek

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How Westminster Works . . . and Why It Doesn't door Ian Dunt

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If you have any interest in British politics, you MUST read this book. Ian Dunt has produced an excellent tome: I cannot tell whether his political favour leans to left or right which, is just what is required for a sensible discussion of our political system.

It does not take a genius to work out that things are spiralling out of control within the British political system. This book concentrates upon the Westminster end of affairs. It gives eye opening insights into how the system currently functions, or more accurately, how it doesn't. The ridiculous concept of aggressive conflict at all levels needs to be replaced with one that encourages compromise. Two power blocks screaming at each other from alternative sides of a room does not constitute grown up politics. Dunt clearly demonstrates how this machismo is actively encouraged by governments of whatever hue to maintain their sense of superiority.

Ironically, the most obviously defective part of the legislature is the most effective. As Dunt says, bishops, political paymasters and yes men, along with hereditary peers need to be expunged from the House of Lords but, a non-elected second chamber has distinct advantages. The control does, however need to be removed from Prime ministers and leaders of the opposition.

MCH to think about; a really unput downable book. ( )
  the.ken.petersen | Apr 23, 2023 |
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British politics is broken. Anyone sitting down to watch the news will get the sense that something has gone terribly wrong. We have prime ministers who detonate the economy, secretaries of state who are intellectually incapable of doing the job and MPs who seem temperamentally unsuited to the role. Expertise is denigrated. Lies are rewarded. And deep-seated, long-lasting national problems go permanently unresolved. Most of us have a sense that the system doesn't work, but we struggle to articulate exactly why. Our political and financial system is cloaked in secrecy, archaic terminology, ancient custom and impenetrable technical jargon. Lifting the lid on British politics, How Westminster Works . . . and Why It Doesn't exposes every aspect of the system in a way that can be understood and challenged, from the heights of Downing Street to the depths of the nation's newsrooms, from the hallways of the civil service to the green benches of the Commons. Based on interviews with some of the leading voices in politics, from former occupants of No.10 to key figures in Whitehall, Westminster and Fleet Street, Ian Dunt provides exactly what people in power have always tried to avoid: a full description of the mechanisms of British government. And a vision of how we can fix it.

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