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On Their Side: Helping Children Take Charge of Their Learning

door Bob Strachota

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This text reviews academic, emotional, motivational, and social learning theories that help children to be their own teachers and teachers to be aware of the advantages of taking charge of one's own learning, rather than depending on teacher education methodology. Learning is described as more than learning facts and figures or directive methodology; it is a child who simply wonders about something and just wants to know about something. Seven chapters review how teachers are told to teach under traditional teaching methodology and how the author discovered how to teach children to want to teach themselves, under less directive methods. Among the suggestions are that learning must come from a mix of doing and wondering, and that frequently it is more effective to start with reflection and discussion rather than action. It is important to ally with the children, to present the problem, and to listen to their solutions, before imposing the teaching methodology solution. The ultimate goal of teaching should be to help children learn to create their own solutions to the problems of learning and living ethically and to take responsibility themselves. Four stories are presented that illustrate this effort of allying with the children, posing the real questions, and sharing responsibility. (Contains 25 references.) (NAV)… (meer)
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This text reviews academic, emotional, motivational, and social learning theories that help children to be their own teachers and teachers to be aware of the advantages of taking charge of one's own learning, rather than depending on teacher education methodology. Learning is described as more than learning facts and figures or directive methodology; it is a child who simply wonders about something and just wants to know about something. Seven chapters review how teachers are told to teach under traditional teaching methodology and how the author discovered how to teach children to want to teach themselves, under less directive methods. Among the suggestions are that learning must come from a mix of doing and wondering, and that frequently it is more effective to start with reflection and discussion rather than action. It is important to ally with the children, to present the problem, and to listen to their solutions, before imposing the teaching methodology solution. The ultimate goal of teaching should be to help children learn to create their own solutions to the problems of learning and living ethically and to take responsibility themselves. Four stories are presented that illustrate this effort of allying with the children, posing the real questions, and sharing responsibility. (Contains 25 references.) (NAV)

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