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The Slip : the New York City street that…
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The Slip : the New York City street that changed American art forever (editie 2023)

door Prudence Peiffer (Auteur)

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602449,596 (3.88)4
"A group portrait of artists Robert Indiana, Ellsworth Kelly, Agnes Martin, James Rosenquist, Delphine Seyrig, Lenore Tawney, Jack Youngerman, and the street they all called home, Coenties Slip in the 1950s and 1960s"--
Titel:The Slip : the New York City street that changed American art forever
Auteurs:Prudence Peiffer (Auteur)
Info:New York, NY : Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, [2023]. First Edition.
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Art, Performing Arts, Literature, Museums, Schools, Biography, Societies, Organizations, History, New York (N.Y) (incl's. all 5 boros), Pictorial, Graphic Design, Illus., Plans, Photography, Preservation, Historic Districts, Books w/MAS-people connection

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The Slip: The New York City Street That Changed American Art Forever door Prudence Peiffer

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I learned a lot reading this book about a small vibrant neighborhood in New York City and a burgeoning community of artists that lived there in the 150's and 60's. The Slip refers to an area where sea vessels docked during much earlier times. Thus there were many large warehouses left that were cheap and could contain large artistic creations. We meet a tight group of people engaged in cutting edge modern art and their struggles and triumphs as they rose to influence and prominence. ( )
  muddyboy | Mar 24, 2024 |
This history is really interesting. The author traces not only the American artists who found a home in the warehouses on a little street ( Coenties Slip) on the southern part of Manhattan but also the history of the area. Coenties slip was home to sail makers when the New York Port was an important place for ships and merchandise that was brought in or sent out of the US. From 1956 to 1967 many artists found this area and not only turned the warehouses into studios but also lived there. Ellsworth Kelly, Robert Indiana, Agnes Martin, James Rosenquist, Lenore Tawney and Jack Youngerman were unknown and developed their styles of work here. Eventually after fame and recognition, these artists were known as members of the "Color Field School". They did know each other and worked to create unique visions. One interesting fact that I didn't know. The actress Delphine Seyrig was married to Tom Youngerman and lived in New York with her husband and child for many years. Eventually she starred in the film "Last Year in Marienbad" in Europe. The author also talks about the changing face of the city and the development power of Robert Moses. I found this history a great read not only for the work on the artists but also on the changes in the physical structure of the city. ( )
  torontoc | Mar 15, 2024 |
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"A group portrait of artists Robert Indiana, Ellsworth Kelly, Agnes Martin, James Rosenquist, Delphine Seyrig, Lenore Tawney, Jack Youngerman, and the street they all called home, Coenties Slip in the 1950s and 1960s"--

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