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Let's Disciple Each Other - And Build Extraordinary Christ Centered Relationships - With God & with Family & with Friends

door William L. Monette

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Let's Disciple Each Other - an inspiring, transforming relationships workbook and discipleship tool for small groups and couples. LDEO facilitates an integrations of Fellowship and Safe Communication Skills with Scripture. As disciples of Jesus, we are convinced that we need God's help and that God's Holy Spirit, the Counselor of truth, can bring the transformed life into a personal reality. As we put these scriptural principles for living into practice, we find that the Holy Spirit provides the love, strength and guidance we need to live victorious, productive, free and joyful lives in loving relationship with God and in loving, kind-hearted relationships with each other. There's not a leader or teacher. With the Holy Spirit's counsel, each LDEO disciple partner/friend will be guided into: - enriched, strengthened relationships with God & with each other - a deeper understanding of & appreciation for God's grace, mercy, kindness & forgiveness - accessing the keys to God's transforming power: humility, surrender & fellowship with Him - accessing the keys to God's plan & will for you: humility, surrender & fellowship with Him Let's Disciple Each Other uses scripture to combine God's love, His wisdom and His transforming power, with the principles in safe communication skills and in the time-proven dynamics practiced in support groups worldwide. The result for the diligent disciple of Jesus Christ is a life-changing, multi-track, interactive, Christian discipleship and relationship enriching workbook.… (meer)
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Let's Disciple Each Other - an inspiring, transforming relationships workbook and discipleship tool for small groups and couples. LDEO facilitates an integrations of Fellowship and Safe Communication Skills with Scripture. As disciples of Jesus, we are convinced that we need God's help and that God's Holy Spirit, the Counselor of truth, can bring the transformed life into a personal reality. As we put these scriptural principles for living into practice, we find that the Holy Spirit provides the love, strength and guidance we need to live victorious, productive, free and joyful lives in loving relationship with God and in loving, kind-hearted relationships with each other. There's not a leader or teacher. With the Holy Spirit's counsel, each LDEO disciple partner/friend will be guided into: - enriched, strengthened relationships with God & with each other - a deeper understanding of & appreciation for God's grace, mercy, kindness & forgiveness - accessing the keys to God's transforming power: humility, surrender & fellowship with Him - accessing the keys to God's plan & will for you: humility, surrender & fellowship with Him Let's Disciple Each Other uses scripture to combine God's love, His wisdom and His transforming power, with the principles in safe communication skills and in the time-proven dynamics practiced in support groups worldwide. The result for the diligent disciple of Jesus Christ is a life-changing, multi-track, interactive, Christian discipleship and relationship enriching workbook.

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