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The Alexander Cipher door Will Adams
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The Alexander Cipher (origineel 2007; editie 2007)

door Will Adams

Reeksen: Daniel Knox (1)

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7853129,521 (3.23)49
In this thrilling adventure, Egyptologist Daniel Knox competes with rival archaeologists, Egyptian officials, and Macedonian nationalists in the hunt for one of the greatest archaeological prizes in the world.
Titel:The Alexander Cipher
Auteurs:Will Adams
Info:Harper Collins Publ. UK (2007), Paperback, 517 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Het graf van Allexander door Will Adams (2007)

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Engels (28)  Spaans (2)  Frans (1)  Alle talen (31)
1-5 van 31 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Got about 100 pages in and wasn't impressed so I quit reading. The story took too long to develop and the writing was OK at best. Author Will Adams seems to want to impress the readers with his knowledge of ancient Greece and Rome but good lord, enough exposition! How much of that information is really needed to move the story along?

Also, I'm fine with a British writer using UK words in the book but if you're going to have an American character, don't put that stuff in his mouth. By and large Americans don't call trash "rubbish," a windshield "windscreen," etc. (These aren't literally in the book just examples.)

I was hoping for a great adventure with historic information woven into fiction (ala Dan Brown) but I didn't get it. ( )
  Jarratt | Sep 19, 2024 |
Alejandro Magno es el conquistador más grande y enigmático de la Historia. Su legendaria tumba, una de las maravillas de la Antigüedad, al parecer se perdió para siempre. Mucho más tarde, unos obreros de la construcción encuentran por casualidad en Alejandría la entrada de una catacumba. Este hecho desencadena una carrera a muerte en busca del mayor tesoro de todos los tiempos. Daniel Knox es un egiptólogo marginado por las corruptas autoridades arqueológicas. La fascinación que siente por Alejandro Magno y su tumba podría llevarle a la muerte. Perseguido por el brutal magnate naviero Hassan al-Assyuti, su única posibilidad de seguir con vida pasa por ganar esta frenética carrera. Sin embargo, más gente anda a la caza del mismo premio, y matarán por conseguirlo…
  Natt90 | Jul 19, 2022 |
The book was interesting but it lacked the suspense factor that would have made it an outstanding book. I liked the character of Daniel Konx and I believe he will develop over time...but the majority of the characters were just a little too much on the unrealistic side in their reactions. Fans of the thriller genre with an interest in Egyptology and Alexander The Great will find that there is a great deal to like here...but those of us that seek more action and adventure in our books will find they are bogged down in too many subplots and historical facts. ( )
1 stem Carol420 | Nov 12, 2019 |
Grand Central Publishing, ISBN 9780446404709, March 2010

Once again, I listened to the audiobook. The narrator is excellent.

Daniel Knox is an archaeologist who, due to some unfortunate events a few years previously, is currently earning his living as a dive instructor, currently employed by an Egyptian gangster, Hassan. When he gallantly, if foolishly, rescues a young woman the gangster is raping, he finds himself on the run and in hiding, and is quickly abandoned by the young woman he "rescued," since she has figured out that she's slightly safer if Hassan doesn't think she wanted the "rescue."

Knox discovers that his new nemesis has a very long reach, and he isn't fast enough getting to the border. He's barely fast enough getting away from the border, and retreats to Alexandria, where he seeks the help of an old friend, French archaeologist Augustine, creating a false identity and getting employed on a local dig Augustine is involved in.

Also involved in this dig is Gaille Bonnard, an ancient languages expert who blames Daniel for the death of her father, who was Daniel's friend and mentor, and, because this site turns out to have connections to Alexander the Great, and Egyptian archaeology is badly underfunded, Nicolas Dragoumis, a Macedonian nationalist and wealthy industrialist whose father Phillip is, Daniel believes, responsible for the deaths of his parents and sister.

Really, I'm making this sound too simple and straight-forward. It's really much more complicated than that.

However, Adams keeps all the balls in the air, and drops in the necessary historical and background information smoothly and without slowing down this face-paced story.

If you enjoy a good thriller, this is well worth a read, with the promise of more in the series if you find at the end that you haven't had enough of Knox and...well, but that would be telling.

I borrowed this book from the local library. ( )
  LisCarey | Sep 19, 2018 |
I loved this book. Can't wait to read the rest of the series!
( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
1-5 van 31 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Will Adams has written an entertaining, if perhaps not profound thriller in his debut novel, The Alexander Cipher. Perhaps the strongest element is the introduction of his protagonist, Daniel Knox. He is an archaeologist, who as the novel opens, has come upon hard times and has perhaps been almost literally drummed out of the profession or at the very least has become something of a pariah. To pay the bills he works for an unsavory shipping magnate, Hassan al-Assyuti, as a diver instructor—an occupation that allows him to continue dabbling in underwater archaeology in the area off the Sinai Peninsula. Knox earns the murderous wrath of Hassan by humiliating the industrialist and quickly finds himself on the run in an attempt to evade Hassan’s hired thugs. He flees to Alexandria, Egypt, where he hopes to hide out with his old friend and fellow archaeologist, Augustin Pascal. . . .

. . . The final denouement is exciting, imaginative and just a bit goofy, but in its totality this is a very entertaining adventure-thriller. Adams works in a good bit of Macedonian and Alexandrine history while at the same time maintaining a break-neck pace of action—but never without real purpose. But perhaps his most notable achievement is in the creation of the protagonist, Daniel Knox, who can be dashing, brave and honorable but can also display weakness of character and a ready eye for the main chance.

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Informatie afkomstig uit de Franse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Franse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Franse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Après sa mort à Babylone en 323 avant Jésus-Christ, Alexandre le Grand fut porté dans une somptueuse procession jusqu'en Egypte afin de reposer à Alexandrie, où sa dépouille demeura exposée environ six cents ans.
Le mausolée d'Alexandre était considéré comme un des joyaux de l'humanité. Plusieurs empereurs romains, dont Jules César, Auguste et Caracalla, y effectuèrent des pèlerinages. Mais une sucession de tremblements de terre, d'incendies et de guerres précipita Alexandrie dans le déclin et le tombeau disparut.
Malgré de nombreuses fouilles, il n'a jamais été retrouvé.
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For my parents
Eerste woorden
Informatie afkomstig uit de Franse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Une source d'eau douce délimitait le fond de la grotte comme un ongle noir au bout d'une jambe tordue, calcinée et mutilée.
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In this thrilling adventure, Egyptologist Daniel Knox competes with rival archaeologists, Egyptian officials, and Macedonian nationalists in the hunt for one of the greatest archaeological prizes in the world.

Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

Onderwaterarcheoloog Daniel Fox is al decennialang op zoek naar het graf van Alexander de Grote. Wanneer tijdens de bouw van een hotel in Alexandrië een tombe wordt ontdekt uit de tijd van Alexander, denkt hij eindelijk een aanwijzing te hebben die naar de vindplaats van het graf kan leiden. Maar de vondst is ook opgemerkt door twee van de gevaarlijkste mannen in het Midden-Oosten, die het graf van Alexander willen gebruiken om een burgeroorlog te ontketenen... Het graf van Alexander is de zoektocht naar een van de grootste schatten uit de geschiedenis van de mensheid. Het biedt een mix van thriller en avonturenverhaal met een flinke dosis historie tegen het decor van het oude Egypte.
Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (3.23)
1 5
1.5 2
2 19
2.5 4
3 51
3.5 9
4 37
4.5 2
5 11

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