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Darling Girls: A Novel door Sally Hepworth
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Darling Girls: A Novel (editie 2024)

door Sally Hepworth (Auteur)

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3683271,600 (4.04)6
Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:

SISTERS, SECRETS, LOVE, AND MURDER... Sally Hepworth's new novel has it all.
For as long as they can remember, Jessica, Norah, and Alicia have been told how lucky they are. As young girls they were rescued from family tragedies and raised by a loving foster mother, Miss Fairchild, on an idyllic farming estate and given an elusive second chance at a happy family life.
But their childhood wasn't the fairy tale everyone thinks it was. Miss Fairchild had rules. Miss Fairchild could be unpredictable. And Miss Fairchild was never, ever to be crossed. In a moment of desperation, the three broke away from Miss Fairchild and thought they were free. Even though they never saw her again, she was always somewhere in the shadows of their minds. When a body is discovered under the home they grew up in, the foster sisters find themselves thrust into the spotlight as key witnesses. Or are they prime suspects?
A thrilling page-turner of sisterhood, secrets, love, and murder by New York Times bestselling author Sally Hepworth.
"Sally Hepworth writes characters you love." —LIANE MORIARTY, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF APPLES NEVER FALL

.… (meer)
Titel:Darling Girls: A Novel
Auteurs:Sally Hepworth (Auteur)
Info:St. Martin's Press (2024), 368 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Darling Girls door Sally Hepworth

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1-5 van 32 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Jessica, Norah & Alicia have grown up under the care of Miss Fairchild at Wild Meadows farm. It is a foster facility. While there, they formed a bond more durable than actual sisters. Miss Fairchild had all kinds of rules, some unpredictable. There were others brought in for short periods of time.
The girls grow up with some horrendous problems, mostly caused by Miss Fairchild.
They are now grown and have been contacted by the police that there is an investigation going on about a body found under the remains of the house they grew up in. They are then having to go back and be reminded of everything that they went through as children.

This was a good book, but there were quite a few grammatical errors that should have been amended before publication. Little confusion with the psychiatrist and who was being treated. ( )
  JReynolds1959 | Jul 17, 2024 |
Actually a decent psychological mystery, but the amount of child abuse just knocks it down for me. The foster system is so broken, children need rights. ( )
  KallieGrace | Jul 10, 2024 |
This was a great book and didn't see the ending. I did just have to refresh my memory, but after reading a few reviews, it all came back! This is a great 4-star thriller about 3 girls who grew up in a foster home. I listened to this on audio and the beginning chapters I had to focus to make sure I knew who was who for characters. But it was easy to keep track of. And you hate their foster mom very much as it goes on. Very frustrating to hear how they were being treated despite all of them being pretty good children. And then the foster mom gets more erratic and more erratic. And I knew early on it was her that the psychologist was talking to as a kid. But then when the story came out that she had a baby that her mother took from her...and come to find out, it was her mother's baby that she took from them. Mind blown! Great and surprising twist at the end! Maybe this is 4.25 stars because it's better than your average thriller, but it wasn't life altering and probably won't remember it in a few more weeks. But if I saw this book at a booksale I would buy it! ( )
  Mav-n-Libby | Jun 24, 2024 |
Three foster children bond when they are fostered and raised by Miss Fairchild. The girls are told are how lucky they are to have been rescued from bad home situations. But only they know the truth about Miss Fairchild, and no one believes them. Finally, they break away from Miss Fairchild, but she is never far from their minds even when they are adults. The past inevitably catches up with them when a body is discovered under home they lived in as children. This well written thriller builds suspense with each chapter, and the shocking end will leave you breathless. ( )
  Maydacat | Jun 2, 2024 |
Excellent book about 3 sisters in a foster home. Lovely twists and great ending. Good book. ( )
  shazjhb | Jun 1, 2024 |
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Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:

SISTERS, SECRETS, LOVE, AND MURDER... Sally Hepworth's new novel has it all.
For as long as they can remember, Jessica, Norah, and Alicia have been told how lucky they are. As young girls they were rescued from family tragedies and raised by a loving foster mother, Miss Fairchild, on an idyllic farming estate and given an elusive second chance at a happy family life.
But their childhood wasn't the fairy tale everyone thinks it was. Miss Fairchild had rules. Miss Fairchild could be unpredictable. And Miss Fairchild was never, ever to be crossed. In a moment of desperation, the three broke away from Miss Fairchild and thought they were free. Even though they never saw her again, she was always somewhere in the shadows of their minds. When a body is discovered under the home they grew up in, the foster sisters find themselves thrust into the spotlight as key witnesses. Or are they prime suspects?
A thrilling page-turner of sisterhood, secrets, love, and murder by New York Times bestselling author Sally Hepworth.
"Sally Hepworth writes characters you love." —LIANE MORIARTY, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF APPLES NEVER FALL


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Gemiddelde: (4.04)
2.5 1
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3.5 10
4 33
4.5 3
5 15

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