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Reflections: 4

door Ken Duncan

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At a time when there is so much fear and negativity in the world, we need as much inspiration as we can get - and Reflections 4 helps the spirit to soar. Following the outstanding success of his first three Reflections titles, Ken Duncan's new offering brings a positive message of hope through a combination of stunning images and thought-provoking quotes. Ken takes readers on a pilgrimage of the soul through dozens of his magnificent Australian landscapes. A diverse and inspired feast for the eyes, from the lush and dappled rainforests of far north Queensland, to penguins promenading in Antarctica wonderlands, towering snow gum forests of Victoria's Alpine National Park, through to Tasmania's awesome wilderness and the remote wetlands of Arnhem Land, Reflections 4 is a collection permeated by a wild and alluring splendour, its photographs filled with colour and texture and brimming with emotion. Reflections 4 also features a selection of Ken's new vertical panoramas -- trees, waterfalls, cliffs, lighthouses and other soaring sections of land and sky that would easily be lost in a horizontal photograph. These vertical shots offer a view of Australia that is rarely noticed or celebrated, and the effect is magical.… (meer)
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At a time when there is so much fear and negativity in the world, we need as much inspiration as we can get - and Reflections 4 helps the spirit to soar. Following the outstanding success of his first three Reflections titles, Ken Duncan's new offering brings a positive message of hope through a combination of stunning images and thought-provoking quotes. Ken takes readers on a pilgrimage of the soul through dozens of his magnificent Australian landscapes. A diverse and inspired feast for the eyes, from the lush and dappled rainforests of far north Queensland, to penguins promenading in Antarctica wonderlands, towering snow gum forests of Victoria's Alpine National Park, through to Tasmania's awesome wilderness and the remote wetlands of Arnhem Land, Reflections 4 is a collection permeated by a wild and alluring splendour, its photographs filled with colour and texture and brimming with emotion. Reflections 4 also features a selection of Ken's new vertical panoramas -- trees, waterfalls, cliffs, lighthouses and other soaring sections of land and sky that would easily be lost in a horizontal photograph. These vertical shots offer a view of Australia that is rarely noticed or celebrated, and the effect is magical.

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