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Miracles Happen : The Life and Timeless…
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Miracles Happen : The Life and Timeless Principles of the Founder of Mary Kay Inc. (editie 2003)

door Mary Kay Ash

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Mary Kay Ash, one of America's most dynamic businesswomen, lived her life with simple and timeless principles. Through her uncomplicated formula for success -- God first, family second and career third -- she achieved her dream.She inspired. She motivated. She cared. Mary Kay often said that if you expect great things, great things will happen. So expect results. Expect success. Miracles happen.Mary Kay Ash knew when she created her dream company that its success would largely depend on the principles upon which it was founded. In her wisdom, she realized that by building a solid foundation, and never wavering from it, she would distinguish her company and set the stage for women to succeed for decades to come. Mary Kay herself said, "The Company bears my name, but it has a life of its own. The true success is the lives that have changed for the better." Today, the independent sales force wholeheartedly embraces Mary Kay's vision of enriching women's lives. Because she believed that women would understand and support her mission, her legacy will continue to grow, inspiring generations of women around the world to believe that miracles happen.… (meer)
Titel:Miracles Happen : The Life and Timeless Principles of the Founder of Mary Kay Inc.
Auteurs:Mary Kay Ash
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Miracles Happen: The Life and Timeless Principles of the Founder of Mary Kay Inc. door Mary Kay Ash

1970s (361)
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It was a super quick read and a testament to “you can start or restart at any point in your life.” After all, she created Mary Kay “after” she retired. I wasn’t too keen on the writing itself and it was often repetitive. It’s not the type of memoir I would normally read but I was curious. It highlights the good work she did, her work through faith, and desire to help women. Copyright is 1981 so dated and have no idea if anything new contradicts her code of conduct/ethics.

Side note: My cousin and I went to a Mary Kay cosmetics “party” in the 80s, and woke up the next day with a horrible reaction…our faces red and burned looking…so It turned me away from the brand. I later used their nail kit which was fantastic but that was the extent of my dabbling. ( )
  Eosch1 | Dec 30, 2021 |
This book was originally written in 1981 and reprinted two more times after that. Because of that fact, it was hard to really appreciate the statistics referenced because of how old they were. I felt like the book read more like a self help book than a memoir. I'm not a big makeup person and therefore had a hard time relating to Mary Kay. I do admire her drive, ambition and leadership. I think if I would have read this book at a different time in my career, I could have applied some of her tips.

Two quotes from the book that I liked:

* p. 105 - A very good definition of a woman's needs. From birth to age 14, she needs good parents & good health. From age 14 to age 40, she needs good looks. From age 40 to age 60, she needs personality. From age 60 on, she needs cash.
* p. 109 - When a woman behaves like a lady, she sets the stage, and as a result, men will conduct themselves as a gentlemen. ( )
  jcwlib | Jan 11, 2011 |
During my brief attempt at selling Mary Kay, I read this book. It is, actually, an excellent book, and highly inspiring for anyone (not just Mary Kay salespeople). This is filled with anecdotes, but is primarily a biography, and would certainly be of interest to anyone interested in inspirational reading or biographies. Oh yes, and please contact me if you'd like to buy some Microderm Abrasion on sale. :} ( )
  the1butterfly | Jun 8, 2007 |
  n_yay | Nov 26, 2006 |
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Dedicated to the thousands of women who DARED to step out of their "comfort zones" and USE their God-given talents and abilities, realizing that God did not have time to make a nobody - - - just a SOMEBODY!
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Mary Kay Ash, one of America's most dynamic businesswomen, lived her life with simple and timeless principles. Through her uncomplicated formula for success -- God first, family second and career third -- she achieved her dream.She inspired. She motivated. She cared. Mary Kay often said that if you expect great things, great things will happen. So expect results. Expect success. Miracles happen.Mary Kay Ash knew when she created her dream company that its success would largely depend on the principles upon which it was founded. In her wisdom, she realized that by building a solid foundation, and never wavering from it, she would distinguish her company and set the stage for women to succeed for decades to come. Mary Kay herself said, "The Company bears my name, but it has a life of its own. The true success is the lives that have changed for the better." Today, the independent sales force wholeheartedly embraces Mary Kay's vision of enriching women's lives. Because she believed that women would understand and support her mission, her legacy will continue to grow, inspiring generations of women around the world to believe that miracles happen.

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