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Murder at the Inn: An utterly gripping English cozy murder mystery (Julia Bird Mysteries Book 4)

door Katie Gayle

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13Geen1,565,672 (3.25)Geen
On the first Tuesday of each month, Julia Bird and her Agatha Quizteam teammates take part in Berrywick's village pub quiz. They take it seriously - what's the point of playing, after all, if you aren't in it to win it? But it seems someone connected with the quiz night has taken the competition to a whole new level when Lilian, the local police constable and all-round general knowledge expert, is found fatally stabbed after the evening's final round. With local DI Hayley Gibson stuck home with a broken leg and an incompetent Superintendent brought in from the nearby town, it's up to Julia to make sure the investigation stays focussed - whether they like it or not! While the police are convinced that the murderer is linked to Lilian's professional life, Julia turns her amateur sleuthing eye to suspects much closer to home. Perhaps Lilian's personal life could have something to do with the dreadful crime? When another quiz team member is attacked, Julia is finally put on the right track. But what could possibly be important - or dangerous - enough for two attendees of the pub quiz night to meet such foul ends over? Could the culprit really be among them on that busy Tuesday night? As Julia's race to identify the killer ramps up to desperate heights, she wonders, where will the murderous spree end?… (meer)
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On the first Tuesday of each month, Julia Bird and her Agatha Quizteam teammates take part in Berrywick's village pub quiz. They take it seriously - what's the point of playing, after all, if you aren't in it to win it? But it seems someone connected with the quiz night has taken the competition to a whole new level when Lilian, the local police constable and all-round general knowledge expert, is found fatally stabbed after the evening's final round. With local DI Hayley Gibson stuck home with a broken leg and an incompetent Superintendent brought in from the nearby town, it's up to Julia to make sure the investigation stays focussed - whether they like it or not! While the police are convinced that the murderer is linked to Lilian's professional life, Julia turns her amateur sleuthing eye to suspects much closer to home. Perhaps Lilian's personal life could have something to do with the dreadful crime? When another quiz team member is attacked, Julia is finally put on the right track. But what could possibly be important - or dangerous - enough for two attendees of the pub quiz night to meet such foul ends over? Could the culprit really be among them on that busy Tuesday night? As Julia's race to identify the killer ramps up to desperate heights, she wonders, where will the murderous spree end?

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