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The Summer She Went Missing door Chelsea…
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The Summer She Went Missing (editie 2024)

door Chelsea Ichaso (Auteur)

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363701,125 (4.25)Geen
Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Paige Redmond has always felt lucky to spend her summers in Clearwater Ridge, with lazy days sunning at the waterfalls and nights partying at the sprawling houses of the rich families who vacation there. The Covingtons are one of these families, and beautiful, brilliant Audrey Covington is Paige's best friend. And last year, when Audrey's crush-worthy brother Dylan finally started noticing Paige, she was sure it would be the best summer ever. Except Audrey didn't seem quite like herself. Then one night, she didn't come home. Though Audrey wasn't the first girl to disappear in Clearwater Ridge, she left behind more lies than clues. Now, one summer later, her case has gone cold, and nobody, least of all Paige, can make sense of what happened. When Paige stumbles across a secret hidden in Audrey's room, however, it changes everything she thought she knew about last summer. She and Dylan set out on their own investigation, discovering things even the police don't know about the people of Clearwater Ridge. But tracking down missing girls-girls who might be beyond saving by now-means entering a world far darker than Paige has ever imagined. And if she isn't careful, she'll become the next girl to vanish.… (meer)
Titel:The Summer She Went Missing
Auteurs:Chelsea Ichaso (Auteur)
Info:Sourcebooks Fire (2024), 384 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Te lezen

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The Summer She Went Missing door Chelsea Ichaso

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I really enjoyed this. It definitely gave “mysterious summer” and that’s the vibe I was going for.

Paige and Dylan basically spend their summers together since they were little and they finally get together romantically and boom, his sister Audrey goes missing and ruins everything.

I loved Paige so much. During the rest of the year, she works at an old folks home and because of that she adopts all of these sayings that old people use and it’s stinking adorable. Her whole vibe is 15 going on 80 and I’m here for it. Dylan is a typical rich kid and I could take him or leave him but he does seem to truly care for her so that redeems him most of the time.

I did predict one of the plot twists pretty early on, but the mystery and the pace throughout the whole book was really great. I would absolutely read more from this author. ( )
  ellierey | Aug 27, 2024 |
I really loved this book, I had never heard of the author before and was a big hesitant too try it but it was so good I loved it. I would totally recommend. ( )
  hollylovesreading8 | May 6, 2024 |
Thanks to NetGalley and Tantor Audio for the ARC of The Summer She Went Missing.

I loved this audiobook. Amy McFadden was a perfect fit for Paige's character and personality.

This book starts as very The Summer I Turned Pretty, without the whole both brothers chasing the same girl bit. Audrey- Paige's best friend has an older brother that is finally returning Paige's attention, but last summer Audrey went missing which quashed any budding romance between her and Dylan. Told from the past summer's and the current summer's perspectives.

Dylan and Paige feel as though not enough was done by the police to investigate Audrey's disappearance, so they start to look into why she might have gone missing themselves. But getting closer to Audrey puts them in more danger.

This book takes twists and turns you will not see coming and had me guessing who contributed to Audrey's disappearance until the end, as secrets are slowly unearthed along the way. These secrets lead further and further into the underbelly of this beautiful beach town. This book was such a fast read for me- I could not stop listening.

One thing that Ichaso did incredibly well was the romance subplot. These can really annoy me when I am reading as it distracts from the actual problems abounding though the main plot line. This romance subplot did not do this, and nor was it annoying. In fact both Paige and Dylan would frequently cast their own feelings aside for the good of finding Audrey.

I would recommend this to any YA mystery reader. Especially the audiobook version. ( )
  elinorrigby66 | Apr 1, 2024 |
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Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Paige Redmond has always felt lucky to spend her summers in Clearwater Ridge, with lazy days sunning at the waterfalls and nights partying at the sprawling houses of the rich families who vacation there. The Covingtons are one of these families, and beautiful, brilliant Audrey Covington is Paige's best friend. And last year, when Audrey's crush-worthy brother Dylan finally started noticing Paige, she was sure it would be the best summer ever. Except Audrey didn't seem quite like herself. Then one night, she didn't come home. Though Audrey wasn't the first girl to disappear in Clearwater Ridge, she left behind more lies than clues. Now, one summer later, her case has gone cold, and nobody, least of all Paige, can make sense of what happened. When Paige stumbles across a secret hidden in Audrey's room, however, it changes everything she thought she knew about last summer. She and Dylan set out on their own investigation, discovering things even the police don't know about the people of Clearwater Ridge. But tracking down missing girls-girls who might be beyond saving by now-means entering a world far darker than Paige has ever imagined. And if she isn't careful, she'll become the next girl to vanish.

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