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The Road to Damascus (Bolo) door John Ringo
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The Road to Damascus (Bolo) (origineel 2004; editie 2004)

door John Ringo (Auteur)

Reeksen: Bolos (12)

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354474,666 (3.58)5
Keith Laumer's Bolos are Back-and New York Times Best-Selling Author John Ringo has Signed on with the Bolo Brigade! First Time in Paperback. When a ruthless political regime seizes power on a world struggling to recover from alien invasion, a former war hero finds herself leading a desperate band of freedom fighters. Kafari Khrustinova, who fought Deng infantry from farmhouses and barns, finds herself struggling to free her homeworld from an unholy political alliance, headed by the charismatic and ambitious Vittori Santorini, which has seduced her young daughter with its propaganda and subverted the planet's Bolo, using the war machine to crush all political opposition. To free her homeworld, Kafari must somehow cripple or kill the Bolo she once called friend. Unit SOL-0045, "Sonny," is a Mark XX Bolo, self-aware and intelligent. When Sonny's human commander is forced off-world, Sonny tries to navigate his way through ambiguous moral and legal issues, sinking into deep confusion and electronic misery. He eventually faces a dark night of the soul, with no guarantee that he will understand-let alone make-the right decision. And caught in the middle of this volatile battlefield is Yalena Khrustinova, Kafari's young daughter. Will she open her eyes in time to save herself-and millions of innocents-or will Santorini's relentless brainwashing campaign continue to blind her while the tyrant engineers the ultimate destruction of a helpless and enslaved population?… (meer)
Titel:The Road to Damascus (Bolo)
Auteurs:John Ringo (Auteur)
Info:Baen (2004), 688 pages
Verzamelingen:Dave's Graphic Novels - Box 4

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The Road to Damascus door John Ringo (2004)

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Toon 4 van 4
A well told tale about a vintage Bolo that faces a serious moral dilemma when it is charged to support a vicious and tyrannical regime. Lots of mayhem and heroic action before the evil ones are defeated. Great cover on the book. ( )
  jamespurcell | Dec 18, 2016 |
I didn't like this book. Bolo books should be about combat and human interactions with AI machines, which this book starts nicely with. However, the book then diverts from that and spends hundreds of pages ranting about how bad socialism is. Sure, the baddies are nasty, but its not a very believable rendition of communist Russia. Worse, the story is told with a whiney teenager I found deeply annoying as a character (she's meant to be annoying, but I just didn't care about her). Finally, after about 400 pages of such drivel, we finally get around to having some more actual bolo story. The finish of the story is ok, I just wished it didn't take so long to get there. This is by far the weakest Bolo book I have read so far. ( )
  mikal | Feb 21, 2010 |
In 10 words or less: A sentient tank and a former war hero face off.

In more than 10: Sonny is a Mark XX BOLO -- basically, a sentient tank, but in reality, a complicated thinking war machine sent to Kafari Khrustinova's planet to protect if from an alien menace, which he does, very effectively. Kafari is a college student whose actions during the invasion make her a international war hero.

What happens in the years following the invasion pits the two against one another, making Sonny question his programming, and Kafari fight for her values.

Ringo has written a gripping cautionary tale full of insurrection, political manipulation, governmental malfeasance, and of course, lots of involved technical detail. ( )
  SunnySD | Oct 30, 2007 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
John Ringoprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Evans, Lindaprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Mattingly,DavidArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Bolos (12)
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For Aubrey Jean Hollingsworth, our second source of sunshine, with endless thanks to Bob Hollingsworth, Susan Collingwood, John Ringo, and Toni Weisskopf for patience, forbearance, and the ideas that brought this story to life.

--Linda Evans
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I crawl toward the enemy, blind and uncertain of my every move.
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Keith Laumer's Bolos are Back-and New York Times Best-Selling Author John Ringo has Signed on with the Bolo Brigade! First Time in Paperback. When a ruthless political regime seizes power on a world struggling to recover from alien invasion, a former war hero finds herself leading a desperate band of freedom fighters. Kafari Khrustinova, who fought Deng infantry from farmhouses and barns, finds herself struggling to free her homeworld from an unholy political alliance, headed by the charismatic and ambitious Vittori Santorini, which has seduced her young daughter with its propaganda and subverted the planet's Bolo, using the war machine to crush all political opposition. To free her homeworld, Kafari must somehow cripple or kill the Bolo she once called friend. Unit SOL-0045, "Sonny," is a Mark XX Bolo, self-aware and intelligent. When Sonny's human commander is forced off-world, Sonny tries to navigate his way through ambiguous moral and legal issues, sinking into deep confusion and electronic misery. He eventually faces a dark night of the soul, with no guarantee that he will understand-let alone make-the right decision. And caught in the middle of this volatile battlefield is Yalena Khrustinova, Kafari's young daughter. Will she open her eyes in time to save herself-and millions of innocents-or will Santorini's relentless brainwashing campaign continue to blind her while the tyrant engineers the ultimate destruction of a helpless and enslaved population?

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3 9
3.5 3
4 15
4.5 1
5 5

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