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Sacred Struggle: Seeking Christ on the Path of Most Resistance

door Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye

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10Geen1,894,427 (5)Geen
Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

In this natural world, so much threatens to push us away from God and each other. Our differing opinions, experiences, and behavior often cause conflict and suffering. Our physical bodies are susceptible to sources of sickness and sin. Our personal struggles may even culminate in questioning the reality of loving heavenly parents. As Christians, it can feel like we are choosing to navigate the path of most resistance—so how can we rise above the difficulties that would otherwise divide and discourage us?

Through her own experiences, as well as the words of scripture, scholars, and latter-day leaders, author Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye shares her personal conviction that, through Christ, we can gain the power of understanding. The sacred struggle to forge divine connections can not only relieve our own burdens but also teach us how to better bear the burdens of our brothers and sisters.

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Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

In this natural world, so much threatens to push us away from God and each other. Our differing opinions, experiences, and behavior often cause conflict and suffering. Our physical bodies are susceptible to sources of sickness and sin. Our personal struggles may even culminate in questioning the reality of loving heavenly parents. As Christians, it can feel like we are choosing to navigate the path of most resistance—so how can we rise above the difficulties that would otherwise divide and discourage us?

Through her own experiences, as well as the words of scripture, scholars, and latter-day leaders, author Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye shares her personal conviction that, through Christ, we can gain the power of understanding. The sacred struggle to forge divine connections can not only relieve our own burdens but also teach us how to better bear the burdens of our brothers and sisters.


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