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Metamorphoses: Photography in the Electronic Age (Aperture)

door Mark Haworth-Booth

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"Metamorphoses: Photography in the Electronic Age presents a compelling selection of the finest images produced through the integration of computers and photography, art and technology. The emerging field of digital imaging is already changing the world we live in and the way we look at pictures. In its examination of how some of today's leading artists create, alter, layer, and enhance photographs using the latest techniques, "Metamorphoses: Photography in the Electronic Age depicts a medium in transition, offering a startling look at the present and potential future impact of new technologies on photography. Essays focus on such topics as montage, digital museums, virtual reality (including an e-mail interview with Brenda Laurel), and "photographic truth." A feature on Nash Editions, established by musician and artist Graham Nash, unveils the work of some of today's most innovative artists using the Iris ink-jet printing system. Featuring works by Barbara Kasten, Peter Campus, David Byrne, Pedro Meyer, and many others, "Metamorphoses: Photography in the Electronic Age asks readers to rethink the role of photography in modern life.… (meer)
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"Metamorphoses: Photography in the Electronic Age presents a compelling selection of the finest images produced through the integration of computers and photography, art and technology. The emerging field of digital imaging is already changing the world we live in and the way we look at pictures. In its examination of how some of today's leading artists create, alter, layer, and enhance photographs using the latest techniques, "Metamorphoses: Photography in the Electronic Age depicts a medium in transition, offering a startling look at the present and potential future impact of new technologies on photography. Essays focus on such topics as montage, digital museums, virtual reality (including an e-mail interview with Brenda Laurel), and "photographic truth." A feature on Nash Editions, established by musician and artist Graham Nash, unveils the work of some of today's most innovative artists using the Iris ink-jet printing system. Featuring works by Barbara Kasten, Peter Campus, David Byrne, Pedro Meyer, and many others, "Metamorphoses: Photography in the Electronic Age asks readers to rethink the role of photography in modern life.

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