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Welcome to Camp Nightmare (Classic…
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Welcome to Camp Nightmare (Classic Goosebumps #14) (origineel 1993; editie 2010)

door R. L. Stine (Auteur)

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Goosebumps now on Disney+! Next summer you'll stay home...if you survive!The food isn't great. The counselors are a little strange. And the camp director seems demented. Billy can handle all that. But then strange things start to happen after dark, his parents won't answer his letters, and his fellow campers start to disappear. What's going on? Camp Nightmoon is turning into Camp Nightmare! And Billy might be next. R.L. Stine is the creator of the bestselling Goosebumps series, which has more than 400 million copies in print worldwide and celebrated 25 years in 2017. Goosebumps is one of the bestselling children's series of all-time and inspired a popular television show, as well as a feature film starring Jack Black that opened at #1 at the box office. His other popular children's books include the series Fear Street, Mostly Ghostly, The Nightmare Room, and Rotten School, and his picture books, with Marc Brown, The Little Shop of Monsters and Mary McScary. R.L. Stine lives in New York City. You can connect with him on Twitter at @RL_Stine or Facebook: For more information, visit and… (meer)
Titel:Welcome to Camp Nightmare (Classic Goosebumps #14)
Auteurs:R. L. Stine (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic Paperbacks (2010), 160 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Kamp Nachtmerrie door R. L. Stine (1993)

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La comida no es gran cosa; los consejeros son un poco extraños y el director del campo, Tío Al, parece loco.Guillermo puede tolerar todo eso, pero sus com- pañeros de carpa están empezando a desaparecer.¿Qué estará pasando? ¿Por qué sus padres no le contestan sus cartas? ¿Qué es lo que acecha allá afuera cuando oscurece?El Campo Luna Nocturna se está convirtiendo en el campo de las pesadillas.De verdad... y Guillermo podría ser el próximo... Cuidado, lector!Usted está a punto de llevarse un susto, de sentir EscalofríosEspere los próximos dos escalofriantes títulos El fantasma de al lado¡Cuidado con tus deseos!
  Sespinal | Mar 4, 2024 |
Camp Nightmoon is turning into Camp Nightmare!
  BLTSbraille | Oct 22, 2021 |
I try to express only my most honest opinion in a spoiler-free way. Unfortunately, there is still always a risk of slight spoilers despite my best efforts. If you feel something in my review is a spoiler please let me know. Thank you.

My daughter seemed to enjoy it mostly. But it was a very slow-moving plot and she had a hard time paying attention to the story. Even I did and I was the one reading it. Also, I don't know if it was because I already watched this one as an episode of the tv series, but it felt a bit boring to me. Maybe just not one of my favorites. ( )
  starslight86 | Jul 20, 2021 |
#9 "It's the little camp of horrors!"
Camp is always weird your first time going. Strange noises out in the woods, weird acting camp counselors... people disappearing? What could be terrorizing Billy and his new friends at Camp Nightmoon? ( )
  SumisBooks | Oct 4, 2018 |
So, this book had some merits as far as a decent Goosebumps book goes. Once more, an eye-roll for the ending and the unforgivable nature of things like the Forbidden Bunk never being explored.

[b: Welcome to Camp Nightmare|125538|Welcome to Camp Nightmare (Goosebumps, #9)|R.L. Stine||2687577] is effective in eliciting the fear of a kid being thrust into the utter unknown of summer camp. One by one it makes every fear a kid in a first time sleep away camp might have real. No nurse. No way to contact home. Kids getting hurt and going missing with no explanation or care, counselors hurting kids... the list goes on and on. It's effective in that sense, and actually a bit disturbing in some of the cruelty. The baseball to the head actually made me wince reading it.

The ending knocked a star off for me. It was both obvious and just... ridiculous. But I'm not the target audience. ( )
  Lepophagus | Jun 14, 2018 |
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Goosebumps now on Disney+! Next summer you'll stay home...if you survive!The food isn't great. The counselors are a little strange. And the camp director seems demented. Billy can handle all that. But then strange things start to happen after dark, his parents won't answer his letters, and his fellow campers start to disappear. What's going on? Camp Nightmoon is turning into Camp Nightmare! And Billy might be next. R.L. Stine is the creator of the bestselling Goosebumps series, which has more than 400 million copies in print worldwide and celebrated 25 years in 2017. Goosebumps is one of the bestselling children's series of all-time and inspired a popular television show, as well as a feature film starring Jack Black that opened at #1 at the box office. His other popular children's books include the series Fear Street, Mostly Ghostly, The Nightmare Room, and Rotten School, and his picture books, with Marc Brown, The Little Shop of Monsters and Mary McScary. R.L. Stine lives in New York City. You can connect with him on Twitter at @RL_Stine or Facebook: For more information, visit and

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