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The Book of Doors: A Novel door Gareth Brown
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The Book of Doors: A Novel (origineel 2024; editie 2024)

door Gareth Brown (Auteur)

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4713153,747 (3.92)8
Cassie Andrews works in a New York City bookshop, shelving books, making coffee for customers, and living an unassuming, ordinary life. Until the day one of her favorite customers--a lonely yet charming old man--dies right in front of her. Cassie is devastated. She always loved his stories, and now she has nothing to remember him by. Nothing but the last book he was reading. But this is no ordinary book...It is the Book of Doors. Inscribed with enigmatic words and mysterious drawings, it promises Cassie that any door is every door. You just need to know how to open them.Then she's approached by a gaunt stranger in a rumpled black suit with a Scottish brogue who calls himself Drummond Fox. He's a librarian who keeps watch over a unique set of rare volumes. The tome now in Cassie's possession is not the only book with great power, but it is the one most coveted by those who collect them. Now Cassie is being hunted by those few who know of the Special Books. With only her roommate Izzy to confide in, she has to decide if she will help the mysterious and haunted Drummond protect the Book of Doors--and the other books in his secret library's care--from those who will do evil. Because only Drummond knows where the unique library is and only Cassie's book can get them there. But there are those willing to kill to obtain those secrets. And a dark force--in the form of a shadowy, sadistic woman--is at the very top of that list.… (meer)
Titel:The Book of Doors: A Novel
Auteurs:Gareth Brown (Auteur)
Info:William Morrow (2024), 416 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Het boek der deuren door Gareth Brown (2024)

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1-5 van 31 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
In a Nutshell: A contemporary fantasy-thriller combining low fantasy and time travel with the evergreen good vs. evil trope. Mindboggling plotting! Enjoyed this debut novel from start to end, despite a few minor niggles.


Plot Preview:
New York City. Cassie, who works at a bookstore, is surprised when her favourite customer leaves her a book on his passing. The book seems to be full of strange writing and drawings, and has an inscription at the start revealing its name: the ‘Book of Doors’.
Soon, Cassie realises the significance of the title. Using the book, she can go through any door and enter any other place. Along with her best friend Izzy, Cassie begins exploring places using the magical book. Little does she know that this is not the only magical book in the world, and through their fun adventures, they have stirred the interest of some violent people who will do anything to get their hands on this powerful book. The only person who is equipped to help them is the mysterious Drummond Fox, but he seems to be escaping his own past.
The story comes to us through the third person perspectives of various characters.

The official blurb recommends this to readers of ‘The Midnight Library’, ‘[b:The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue|50623864|The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue|V.E. Schwab||46895612]’, and ‘[b:The Night Circus|9361589|The Night Circus|Erin Morgenstern||14245059]’. Of these, I have read only the first one, and this book is nothing like it except for the presence of doors. So I’m going to advocate this to readers who enjoyed Peng Shepherd’s ‘The Cartographers’ and Alix E. Harrow’s ‘The Ten Thousand Doors of January’, both of which I loved for their creativity.

Bookish Yays:
( )
  RoshReviews | Jul 26, 2024 |
I just could not wrap my head around this book. At first, I honestly thought it was a YA book since that's the way it read, until the colorful language and extreme violence appeared. I could never make Cassie and Izzy older than 13 in my brain, because that's the way they acted. There were a lot of unanswered questions when I got to the end of the book, and we discovered more as we discussed it in my book club. There is definitely a set-up for sequels to the novel. ( )
  hobbitprincess | Jul 9, 2024 |
The characters in this book were drawn so vividly, that I delighted in the side stories along the way as well as the main heroine's journey. While the main plot involved escaping from the Woman who was trying to acquire all the magical "Special" books in the world for her own evil purposes, Cassie's love for her roomate and best friend Izzy, and Drummond, the Scottish guardian of the magical Fox library were highlights for me. And of course there was her favorite customer in the bookshop, who put the Book of Doors into her hands in the first place. ( )
  Aronfish | Jun 20, 2024 |
what I liked:
the magical books
What I disliked:
everything else.
My biggest issues were the proliferate yuck unecessary negative comments about body image, race and sex - we don't need to read actual slurs to understand they're racist, and we don't need female characters constantly harping on about how fat they will get if they eat a croissant. The torture porn was gross too.
My next issue was that the characters are actually idiots- plot can be moved along with bad luck or SOME bad decisions - but EVERY decision had me screaming at their idiocy. ( )
  spiritedstardust | Jun 1, 2024 |
Cassie lives in New York with her friend Izzy and works at the neighborhood bookstore because she never really found anything she loves as much as books. One evening as she is closing up, a regular customer dies at the shop leaving a small book on the table addressed to her and her life is never the same. The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown follows Cassie, Izzy, and a group of other book collectors — both good and evil — as they all try to make sense of the magical books that create illusions, joy, pain, despair, and many other extraordinary feats. Readers who enjoy contemporary fantasy novels about magic should not miss The Book of Doors. ( )
  Hccpsk | May 24, 2024 |
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Cassie Andrews works in a New York City bookshop, shelving books, making coffee for customers, and living an unassuming, ordinary life. Until the day one of her favorite customers--a lonely yet charming old man--dies right in front of her. Cassie is devastated. She always loved his stories, and now she has nothing to remember him by. Nothing but the last book he was reading. But this is no ordinary book...It is the Book of Doors. Inscribed with enigmatic words and mysterious drawings, it promises Cassie that any door is every door. You just need to know how to open them.Then she's approached by a gaunt stranger in a rumpled black suit with a Scottish brogue who calls himself Drummond Fox. He's a librarian who keeps watch over a unique set of rare volumes. The tome now in Cassie's possession is not the only book with great power, but it is the one most coveted by those who collect them. Now Cassie is being hunted by those few who know of the Special Books. With only her roommate Izzy to confide in, she has to decide if she will help the mysterious and haunted Drummond protect the Book of Doors--and the other books in his secret library's care--from those who will do evil. Because only Drummond knows where the unique library is and only Cassie's book can get them there. But there are those willing to kill to obtain those secrets. And a dark force--in the form of a shadowy, sadistic woman--is at the very top of that list.

Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

De New Yorkse boekverkoper Cassie Andrews leidt een nietsvermoedend leven totdat een van haar trouwste klanten plotseling overlijdt in haar boekwinkel.
In zijn handen vindt Cassie een boek met een bijzondere boodschap op de eerste bladzijde: Dit is het Boek der deuren. Hou het in je hand en elke deur is iedere deur. Diezelfde avond stapt ze door haar slaapkamerdeur naar Venetië en weer terug in een oogwenk. Het is het begin van een avontuur als geen ander.
Maar wat Cassie dan nog niet weet is dat er andere magische boeken zijn. Boeken die zowel prachtige als monsterlijke dingen kunnen doen. Samen met haar huisgenoot Izzy wordt Cassie plotseling geconfronteerd met een wereld vol geweld en gevaar.
En de enige persoon die hen kan helpen, Drummond Fox, de man die in het bezit is van een geheime bibliotheek vol magische boeken, is op de vlucht voor zijn eigen demonen. Er is een kwaad op pad, vastbesloten alle boeken in handen te krijgen. En Cassies boek is een boek om voor te sterven…
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Gemiddelde: (3.92)
2 6
3 7
3.5 14
4 29
4.5 4
5 18

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