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Discovery in Great Sand Dunes National Park: National Park Mystery Series, Book 2

door Aaron Johnson

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The scavenger hunt continues in book two of the bestselling National Park Mystery Series. After camping in Rocky Mountain National Park, Jake and his friends travel to the Great Sand Dunes in southern Colorado. Exploring the heart of the dunes, they stumble upon something both unexpected and dangerous. Through more twists and turns, Jake's friendships and integrity are tested by choices that will demand smarts and courage. The National Park Mystery Series Before Jake's grandfather died, he was on the trail of a centuries-old mystery. And he has entrusted that mystery to Jake, leaving behind a set of hidden codes, riddles, maps, and other clues that lead Jake and his friends on a scavenger hunt into the most wild and rugged wilderness of the national parks. The mystery unfolds as Jake, Amber, and Wes learn about survival skills, natural history, integrity, character, and friendship. Along the way, they discover they are not the only ones on this quest. An elusive shadow group is close on their heels. Illustrated by the author, this page-turning adventure is designed to capture the imagination of even the most reluctant of young readers. Parents looking for a delightful read-aloud adventure will find it hard to put down. (Word of Caution: readers frequently note that this is a "Please read just one more chapter" experience). If your family loves the enchanted lands of our national parks, this series will take you to hidden places and into breathtaking landscapes. If you enjoy movies like National Treasure and Uncharted, or mystery adventures like the Hardy Boys and Gary Paulsen's survival story, Hatchet, you'll love this second installment of the National Park Mystery Series. Start this epic adventure with the ebook or begin the journey with a paperback copy.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorMonroeEL
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The scavenger hunt continues in book two of the bestselling National Park Mystery Series. After camping in Rocky Mountain National Park, Jake and his friends travel to the Great Sand Dunes in southern Colorado. Exploring the heart of the dunes, they stumble upon something both unexpected and dangerous. Through more twists and turns, Jake's friendships and integrity are tested by choices that will demand smarts and courage. The National Park Mystery Series Before Jake's grandfather died, he was on the trail of a centuries-old mystery. And he has entrusted that mystery to Jake, leaving behind a set of hidden codes, riddles, maps, and other clues that lead Jake and his friends on a scavenger hunt into the most wild and rugged wilderness of the national parks. The mystery unfolds as Jake, Amber, and Wes learn about survival skills, natural history, integrity, character, and friendship. Along the way, they discover they are not the only ones on this quest. An elusive shadow group is close on their heels. Illustrated by the author, this page-turning adventure is designed to capture the imagination of even the most reluctant of young readers. Parents looking for a delightful read-aloud adventure will find it hard to put down. (Word of Caution: readers frequently note that this is a "Please read just one more chapter" experience). If your family loves the enchanted lands of our national parks, this series will take you to hidden places and into breathtaking landscapes. If you enjoy movies like National Treasure and Uncharted, or mystery adventures like the Hardy Boys and Gary Paulsen's survival story, Hatchet, you'll love this second installment of the National Park Mystery Series. Start this epic adventure with the ebook or begin the journey with a paperback copy.

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